AuthorShannon Stewart

HomeArticles Posted by Shannon Stewart (Page 2)

Bid No. 24-27 Tenant Fit-Out at Parkade on 8th Street Garage and Swanson Street Office Renovations – Electrical Rebid

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority intends to engage a prime electrical contractor for this IFB. This IFB is for the electrical work for the tenant fitout at the retail spaces E-J on the western portion of the Parkade on 8th Street garage and office renovations at the Authority’s Taxi & Limousine Division located at 2415 Swanson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148.

Prospective Bidders are required to register for the solicitation using the Bidder Registration Form(control-click to access the form) prior to the Pre-Bid meeting.

Bid Documents will be made available through a OneDrive link, the link will be sent to the email address provided on the Bidder Registration Form within 24 hours.

Prospective Bidders are required to attend a mandatory, in-person Pre-Bid Meeting on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the Authority Headquarters located at 701 Market Street Suite 5400, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Mandatory site visits at each location will take place immediately following the Pre-Bid Meeting. It is anticipated that the Pre-Bid meeting and site visits will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete. Attendance will be taken at each site visit and is required to be considered an eligible bidder.

The sole contact at the Authority shall be Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Bid No. 24-27 Bidder Registration Form – Bidders must register in order to receive the bid documents. Once registered, the bid documents will be available through a Dropbox link that will be sent via email to the email address provided on the Registration Form.

Bid No. 24-27 Notice to Bidders – Contains important dates and information related to the bid.

Bid No. 24-27 Question Submission Form – Bidders must submit questions and material substitutions using the Question Submission Form.

Bid No. 24-27 Bid Decline Form – Please complete if you will not be submitting a bid after attending the Pre-Bid Meeting.

Bid No. 24-27 Pre-Bid Sign-In Sheet

Bid No. 24-27 Addendum #1 – 10.16.24

Bid No. 24-27 Tabulation


RFP No. 24-28 On-Call Architectural and Engineering Services

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Philadelphia Parking Authority (“Authority”) is requesting proposals for Architectural/Engineering professionals that will provide and be responsible for all necessary architectural and/or engineering design and construction documents as well as all related professional services for the work including but not limited to; mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, scheduling, cost estimating, special inspections, project management, code review, commissioning, owner representative services, land surveys, property appraisals, feasibility studies, building scans, geotechnical engineering, etc.

Prospective Offerors must register using the Offeror Registration Form (control-click to follow link) prior to the mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting.

In order to be considered an eligible Offeror, Prospective Offerors are required to attend a mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting that will be held in the offices of the Authority, 701 Market Street, Suite 5400, Philadelphia, PA 19106 on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 11:00 AM. Potential Offerors may attend in-person or virtually using the Microsoft Teams meeting information.

The sole contact at the Authority regarding this RFP is Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the RFP are below:

RFP No. 24-28 Offeror Registration Form – Offerors must register prior to the mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting.

RFP No. 24-28 Notice to Offerors – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFP.

RFP No. 24-28 On-Architectural and Engineering Services – RFP Document – Please review carefully , important information pertaining to the RFP can be found in the RFP document.

RFP No. 24-28 Proposal Form– Word version of Proposal Form

RFP No. 24-28 Question Submission Form – Offerors must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

RFP No. 24-28 Proposal Decline Form – Please complete the Proposal Decline if you registered using the Offeror Registration Form above but have decided not to submit a proposal.

RFP No. 24-28 Pre-Proposal Sign-In Sheet

RFP No. 24-28 Addendum #1 – 1.7.25

Upcoming – RFP No. 25-05 Remote Customer Service Call Kiosk Equipment, Software, Installation and Maintenance

The Philadelphia Parking Authority (“Authority”) intends to release a Request for Proposals for a customer service solution to conduct virtual communications between City of Philadelphia Hearing Officers and members of the public wishing to dispute parking and other violations. If you would like to be notified of its release, please use the link below to register.

The notification will be sent to the email address you provide on the registration form below.

At this time, there is no estimated date of release for this solicitation.

RFP No. 25-05 Offeror Registration Form

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Bid No. 24-24 Snow Removal Services at Philadelphia International Airport

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is seeking bids for winter operations snow removal and salting services for the Authority’s Airport facilities.

Prospective Bidders must register for this solicitation using the Bidder Registration Form (control-click to follow link), prior to the mandatory Pre-Bid meeting.

Prospective Bidders are required to attend a mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting and site visit that will be held in the offices of the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Airport Operations located at 1 Main Toll Plaza, Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, PA 19153 on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM.

The sole contact at the Authority shall be Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Bid No. 24-24 Bidder Registration Form

Bid No. 24-24 Notice to Bidders – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the IFB

Bid No. 24-24 Snow Removal Services at PHL – Bid Document

Bid No. 24-24 Question Submission Form – Bidders must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

Bid No. 24-24 Bid Decline Form – Please complete if you registered using the Offeror Registration Form above but have decided not to submit a proposal.

Bid No. 24-24 Pre-Bid Sign-In Sheet

Bid No. 24-24 Addendum #1 – 10.23.24

Bid No. 24-24 Addendum #2 – 10.31.24

Bid No. 24-24 Bid Tabulation

RFP No. 24-21 Signage for Personalized Person with Disability, Red Light and Speed Enforcement

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is seeking proposals from a qualified contractor to provide signage and decals for personalized Person with Disability, Speed Enforcement Signs and Red-Light Enforcement Signs.

Prospective Offerors must register using the Offeror Registration Form (control-click to follow link) prior to the mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting.

In order to be considered an eligible Offeror, Prospective Offerors are required to attend a mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the Authority’s headquarters located at 701 Market Street, Suite 5400, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Potential Offerors may attend in-person or virtually using the Microsoft Teams meeting information below:

Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 292 437 605 968
Passcode: zs84FR

Dial in by phone
+1 929-346-7319,,565198882# United States, New York City
Phone conference ID: 565 198 882#
For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN

Samples of signs the Authority currently uses will be on display during the Pre-Proposal meeting. Immediately following the Pre-Proposal meeting, Offerors will be given the opportunity to inspect all current sign items.

The sole contact at the Authority regarding this RFP is Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the RFP are below:

RFP No. 24-21 Offeror Registration Form – Offerors must register prior to the mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting on October 16, 2024 at 11:00 AM.

RFP No. 24-21 Notice to Offerors – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFP.

RFP No. 24-21 Signage for Personalized Persons with Disability, Red Light and Speed Enforcement – RFP Document

RFP No. 24-21 Proposal Form – Word version of Proposal Form

RFP No. 24-21 Question Submission Form – Offerors must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

RFP No. 24-21 Proposal Decline Form – Please complete the Proposal Decline if you registered using the Offeror Registration Form above but have decided not to submit a proposal.

RFP No. 24-21 Pre-Proposal Sign-In Sheet

RFP No. 24-21 Addendum #1 -10.30.24

Bid No. 24-23 Vehicle Power Washing Services

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is seeking bids to provide mobile power washing services for Authority vehicles in the Meters and Towing and Impoundment departments under a one (1) year contract. The term of the contract may be extended by and at the sole option of the Authority for up to 4 (four) additional one-year renewals.

Prospective Bidders must register for this solicitation using the Bidder Registration Form (control-click to follow link), prior to the mandatory Pre-Bid meeting.

Prospective Bidders are required to attend a mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting that will be held at the Authority’s Impoundment Lot #1 located at 2501 Weccacoe Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19148. on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 11:00 AM. Bidders must be in attendance at this meeting in order to be considered an eligible Bidder.

Vehicles will be on display for Bidders to inspect. Vehicle inspection will take place immediately following the Pre-Bid meeting.

The sole contact at the Authority shall be Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the IFB are below:

Bid No. 24-23 Bidder Registration Form – Offerors must register prior to the mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting.

Bid No. 24-23 Notice to Bidders – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFP.

Bid No. 24-23 Vehicle Power Washing Services – Bid Document – Please review carefully , important information pertaining to the bid can be found in the bid document.

Bid No. 24-23 Revised Bid Form 11.18.24 – Word Version of Bid Form

Bid No. 24-23 Question Submission Form

Bid No. 24-23 Bid Decline Form

Bid No. 24-23 Pre-Bid Sign-In Sheet

Bid No. 24-23 Addendum #1 – 11.18.24

Bid No. 24-23 Bid Tabulation

RFP No. 24-25 Financial Advisor

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is seeking proposals from highly qualified firms to serve as municipal advisor, also known as financial advisor.  Qualified firms must meet specific criteria, including being registered with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”) and Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as stated in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

The Authority intends to select one or more firms to serve as financial advisors with respect to the issuance of bonds related to the Philadelphia Parking Authority and other areas of municipal finance on an as-needed basis.

Prospective Offerors must register using the Offeror Registration Form (control-click to follow link) prior to downloading the RFP document from the Authority’s website.

A pre-proposal meeting will NOT be held for this solicitation.

All interested parties must complete the Offeror Registration Form for this solicitation in order to be considered an eligible Offeror. Registration ensures that the Authority will have the correct contact information to send addenda, if needed.

The sole contact at the Authority is Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the RFP are below:

RFP No. 24-25 Offeror Registration Form – Registration Form, all interested parties must complete this form in order to be considered an eligible Offeror. Registration ensures that the Authority will have the correct contact information to send addenda, if needed.

RFP No. 24-25 Notice to Offerors – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFP.

RFP No. 24-25 Financial Advisor – 9.10.24 – RFP Document, please review carefully as this document contains administrative requirements, proposal format, work statement and other important information.

RFP No. 24-25 Proposal Form – Word version of the Proposal Form

RFP No. 24-25 Question Submission Form – Offerors must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

RFP No. 24-25 Proposal Decline Form – Please complete if you registered using the Offeror Registration Form above but have decided not to submit a proposal.

RFP No. 24-25 Addendum #1 – 9.12.2024

RFP No. 24-25 Addendum #2 – 9.19.24

RFP No. 24-26 Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is seeking proposals from highly qualified law firms to serve as bond counsel and/or disclosure counsel to the Authority. The Authority may select one or more firms to serve as lead bond counsel and/or co-bond counsel (collectively, “bond counsel”), in addition to a lead disclosure counsel and/or co-disclosure counsel (collectively, “disclosure counsel”), with respect to the issuance of bonds related to the Philadelphia Parking Authority and other areas of municipal finance on an as-needed basis.

Prospective Offerors must register using the Offeror Registration Form (control-click to follow link) prior to downloading the RFP document from the Authority’s website.

A pre-proposal meeting with NOT be held for this solicitation.

All interested parties must complete the Offeror Registration Form for this solicitation in order to be considered an eligible Offeror. Registration ensures that the Authority will have the correct contact information to send addenda, if needed.

The sole contact at the Authority is Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the RFP are below:

RFP No. 24-26 Offeror Registration Form – Registration Form, all interested parties must complete this form in order to be considered an eligible Offeror. Registration ensures that the Authority will have the correct contact information to send addenda, if needed.

RFP No. 24-26 Notice to Offerors– Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFP.

RFP No. 24-26 Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel – 9.10.24 – RFP Document contains administrative requirements, proposal format and other important information pertaining to this solicitation. Please review carefully.

RFP No. 24-26 Proposal Form – Word version of the Proposal Form

RFP No. 24-26 Question Submission Form – Offerors must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

RFP No. 24-26 Proposal Decline Form – Please complete if you registered using the Offeror Registration Form above but have decided not to submit a proposal.

RFP No. 24-26 Addendum #1 – 9.12.2024

RFP No. 24-26 Addendum #2 – 9.19.24

RFP No. 24-15 Bus Camera Enforcement System

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is seeking a Bus Camera Enforcement System and the full range of associated support services, including but not limited to, violation validation, expert witness testimony, verifying and generating of violations, reporting, installation of hardware, field maintenance, repair services, and training.

Prospective Offerors must register for this solicitation using the Offeror Registration Form(control-click to follow link), prior to the mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting on September 4, 2024. 

Prospective Offerors are required to attend a mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting that will be held in the offices of the Authority, 701 Market Street, Suite 5400, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or virtually using the Microsoft Teams meeting information found in the RFP document on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 2:00 PM. Offerors must be in attendance at this meeting in order to be considered an eligible Offeror.

The sole contact at the Authority regarding this RFP is Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the RFP are below:

RFP No. 24-15 Offeror Registration Form – Offerors must register prior to the mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting on September 4, 2024 at 2:00 PM.

RFP No. 24-15 Notice to Offerors – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFP.

RFP No. 24-15 Bus Camera Enforcement – RFP Document, please review prior to the Pre-Proposal Meeting.

RFP No. 24-15 Proposal Form – Word version of Proposal Form

RFP No. 24-15 Question Submission Form – Offerors must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

RFP No. 24-15 Proposal Decline Form – Please complete the Proposal Decline if you registered using the Offeror Registration Form above but have decided not to submit a proposal.

RFP No. 24-15 Pre-Proposal Sign-In Sheet

RFP No. 24-15 Addendum #1 – 9.19.24

RFP No. 24-15 Addendum #2 – 9.20.24

RFP No. 24-15 Addendum #3 – 9.27.24

RFP No. 24-15 Addendum #4 – 9.30.24

RFP No. 24-15 Addendum #5 – 10.23.24

RFP No. 24-20 Job Classification and Compensation Review

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is seeking proposals to analysis the Authority’s current job classifications and review the salary compensation for non-represented employees.

Prospective Offerors must register for this solicitation using the Offeror Registration Form(control-click to follow link), prior to the mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting on August 22, 2024. 

Prospective Offerors are required to attend a mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting that will be held in the offices of the Authority, 701 Market Street, Suite 5400, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or virtually using the Microsoft Teams meeting information found in the RFP document on Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM. Offerors must be in attendance at this meeting in order to be considered an eligible Offeror.

The sole contact at the Authority regarding this RFP is Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the RFP are below:

RFP No. 24-20 Offeror Registration Form – Offerors must register prior to the mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting on August 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM.

RFP No. 24-20 Notice to Offerors – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFP.

RFP No. 24-20 Job Classification and Compensation Review – RFP Document, please review prior to attending the Pre-Proposal Meeting.

RFP No. 24-20 Question Submission Form – Offerors must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

RFP No. 24-20 Proposal Form – Word version of Proposal Form.

RFP No. 24-20Proposal Decline Form – Please complete the Proposal Decline if you registered using the Offeror Registration Form above but have decided not to submit a proposal.

RFP No. 24-20 Pre-Proposal Sign-In Sheet

RFP No. 24-20 Addendum #1 – 8.30.24

RFP No. 24-20 Addendum #2 – 9.12.24