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52nd Street Meter Mural Project

It’s no secret that Philadelphia has a robust art scene. Think about it: We have the Philadelphia Art Museum, the Barnes Foundation and let’s not forget the countless murals scattered throughout the city. Now, if you head down to 52nd Street, you’ll notice a different kind of mural — meter murals
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Parking Fails: Volume V

From retail aisles to fast food parking lots, people are still finding interesting ways to park — and they’re not pretty. If our past versions of parking fails show us anything, it’s that despite going through driving school and getting a license, drivers still forget how to properly park. Okay, maybe
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PPA ADA Event Participation

A few months ago, we participated in an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) event at City Hall. Not only did the occasion mark the 25th anniversary of the ADA being voted into law, it also gave us the perfect opportunity to assist residents with disabilities find parking close to their
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Parking Fails: Volume IV

Remember how we said this world would never be short of parking fails? Welp, unfortunately that statement is holding true month in and month out. If you haven’t already, check out our past editions of parking fails, then feast your eyes on this month’s gems. And yes — that is
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Signs Explained: Reserved Parking for Disabled Persons

Signs: they’re everywhere, both figuratively and literally. Sometimes if you don’t read those signs, consequences will ensue. When it comes to parking, reading and understanding a sign is the difference between getting a parking ticket and remaining ticketless. The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) would rather prevent parking tickets instead of issuing
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The More You Know: Parking Signs Explained

On each block of Philly you’ll find something new. There’s restaurants, cafes, clothing stores, maybe even a street performer playing music that can be heard for blocks or serenading  passersby. It’s not just the culture and opportunities that change with each block; the parking rules do, too. As you’re taking a
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How to Get a Disabled-Only Parking Pole

At the end of the day, most people just want to get home and relax. But, the quest for a parking spot after a long day’s work can be hectic and mentally draining. Countless circles around the block can seem like hours, and if you have a physical disability, walking
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Permit Information The Philadelphia Parking Authority is dedicated to accommodating the particular parking needs and uses of the city’s business and residential areas. We administer several parking permit programs that address specific local needs and maximize parking opportunities – thus improving quality of life for all of us who live, work and
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About PPA

About the Parking Authority For detailed contact information, please visit the: Contact Page »
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