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Parking Fails: Volume V

From retail aisles to fast food parking lots, people are still finding interesting ways to park — and they’re not pretty. If our past versions of parking fails show us anything, it’s that despite going through driving school and getting a license, drivers still forget how to properly park.

Okay, maybe we’re being a bit harsh, but these gems are still worth breaking down.


Parking Fail # 13Parking Fail #1

Clean up in aisle seven!

This guy took the term “drive through” literally. It doesn’t look like anyone got hurt, but if they did, at least they wound up in the first aid aisle.

As for the damage to the rear bumper: Car parts are probably a few aisles over.

Alright, so maybe this guy didn’t really mean to park there. Either way, let this be a reminder that gas is on the right and break is on left.



 Parking Fail # 14  Parking Fail #2

Okay, we know KFC is finger lickin good, but really?

KFC, if you’re reading, this is some good advertising material. Your food is so darn good your customers forget how to park.

Seriously though: Were these guys so fixated on getting their four piece chicken leg meal that common sense went out the window? Either way, this is probably the most expensive fast food outing they’ve ever had — if you include the tow fee.


Parking Fail # 15Parking Fail #3

Need another reason not to park in front of a fire hydrant? See Exhibit A to the left.

Not only could you get a ticket, you could lose two car windows in the process. Sure, the firefighters could have waited for a tow truck, but they ain’t got time for dat, especially with a blazing fire across the street.

Kudos to the firefighters for doing what they had to do, but you can’t help but wonder what the driver thought when returning to their car.

Did you spot a parking fail? Send it our way on Twitter or Facebook! Better yet: If you see an illegally parked car in an area that we patrol, call our communications line at 215-683-9775 and we’ll send someone to check it out.

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#TBT: Center City AutoPark

#TBT AutoPark Center City 2For this month’s Throwback Thursday, we’re heading back to 1992 and taking another look at the grand opening of our AutoPark in Center City.

Nowadays if you head down to 1503 Arch St., you’ll notice our brand new Family Courthouse parking garage. But in 1992 at the same location, we opened the gates to our brand spankin’ new AutoPark in Center City.

For nearly 18 years, the AutoPark was constantly packed with vehicles, most of them from city workers. In fact, before 1503 Arch St. was a parking lot, it also housed Acme’s local headquarters.

#TBT Center City AutoPark 2Twenty-three years have passed since the grand opening — and a lot has changed. Think of it this way: In 1992, Rich Kotite was the Eagles head coach and owned by Norman Braman. Sadly, one thing still hasn’t changed: the Eagles still haven’t won a Super Bowl. But the complete transformation of 1503 Arch over the years reminds us of  Chip Kelly’s transformation of the Eagles!

Welp — now we’re in 2015 with a new parking garage and revamped Eagles squad. Who knows? Maybe 23 years from now, 1503 Arch St. will house flying cars and the Eagles will have a Super Bowl win under their belt.

Go get em’, Eagles!



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PPA Payment Plan Primer

Payment PlanWhen you think of payment plans, you probably think of paying off your student loans, mortgage, or car loans, right? But did you know payment plans are also offered for parking tickets?

We know—being on a payment plan for a parking ticket probably isn’t exactly the most riveting thing to be enrolled in, but we at least want everyone to know the option is there.

Here’s the lowdown—if you’d like to enroll in a payment plan for parking tickets, visit our Parking Violations Branch at 913 Filbert Street, or call 1-888-591-3636. From there, one of our customer service representatives can check to see if you’re eligible.

In general, the amount owed must be over $125 and the minimum monthly payment is $20 with a maximum term of 12 months.

If you’re eligible to be on a payment plan, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • All open tickets (unpaid tickets or tickets not currently scheduled for a hearing) must be enrolled.
  • A 25% down payment is required, except if your vehicle is currently booted/ towed.
  • If your vehicle is currently booted/towed, or there is a previously defaulted payment plan, a 50% down payment will be required.

Note: Automatic payments will cease on August 31st, 2019. Beginning with your September 2019 payment, you will become responsible for making your monthly payment by one of four methods:

  • Pay online at
  • Pay by phone at 1-888-591-3636.
  • Pay in person at 913 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. Operating  hours are Monday – Friday 8 AM – 6 PM and Saturday 9 AM – 1 PM.
  • If offered, set up up automated payments through your bank which will offer you the same convenience and will ensure that you do not miss a payment.

Any questions? A customer service representative can be reached at 1-888-591-3636, or we can field your questions on X (formerly Twitter) or Facebook. Also—if you’re already enrolled in a payment plan, you can check the status here. Just make sure you have your plan number handy.

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PPA ADA Event Participation

ADA Event Table
A few months ago, we participated in an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) event at City Hall. Not only did the occasion mark the 25th anniversary of the ADA being voted into law, it also gave us the perfect opportunity to assist residents with disabilities find parking close to their homes!

After setting up shop in the confines of City Hall, our staff greeted passersby with PPA freebies and encouraged enrollment in our Residential Parking for People with Disabilities Program (RPPD).

ADA Event Table 2“It was a beautiful day for the event,” says Helen Lorandeau, a PPA employee who was on hand assisting residents. “It was great meeting with people and informing them of services we can offer.”

Sure we helped and enlightened many residents by participating in the event, but we don’t want to stop there.

Here’s the deal, if you or someone you know has a physical disability or special need, there’s a good chance you can get parking close to your home—and we want to help!

With the cold weather looming over our shoulders, having to walk for an extended period of time after parking your car can be a nuisance, especially with a physical disability.

If this sounds like an issue you’re facing, your first step in resolving it is filling out this form. If you have any questions along the way, our blog on the RPPD program can probably answer most of them.  Our helpful staff can also field any questions at 215-683-9736 or 215-683-9746.

Now let’s get you parked—close to your home!

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Parking Fails: Volume IV

Remember how we said this world would never be short of parking fails? Welp, unfortunately that statement is holding true month in and month out. If you haven’t already, check out our past editions of parking fails, then feast your eyes on this month’s gems. And yes — that is a tank with boot on it, in case you thought your eyes were deceiving you.

Parking Fail # 11

Parking Fail #1
Here’s the big question: What’s more obnoxious? The Hummer itself, or that it’s parked in a disabled-only parking spot? This picture could be deceiving though. Who knows? Maybe grandma decided to splurge.

Either way — there’s a lot of fails going on in this picture. The car, park job and most notably, the Yankees bumper stickers.


Parking Fail # 10Parking Fail #2
Alright — sooo this is technically considered double parking, right?

Any Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO) passing by would scratch their head and then call their supervisor.

PEO: Yo, boss. I’m sending you a picture. Not sure what to do here.”

Supervisor: Uhhhhhh. Hmmmm. Hang tight, let me call my supervisor.”

  Also — who parked first? If it was the Beemer, then two thumbs up on pulling off the parallel parking job.

Parking Fail # 12Parking Fail #3
You mean to tell me that it’s unacceptable to park my tank in a residential neighborhood? Outrageous!

We’re not sure where this picture was taken, but if this city is like Philly, the tank had at least three or more unpaid parking tickets. One thing’s for sure though: If a tow truck pulled up, it wouldn’t go down without a fight. In fact, the driver would probably call in an airstrike, but that won’t make the unpaid tickets go away.

Have you come across a parking fail while strolling the streets? Sent it our way on Twitter or Facebook! It could be featured in next month’s edition of Parking Fails!


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Parking Fails: Volume III

What’s one of the first things you learned when you got your learner’s permit? Aside from turning on the ignition, how to properly park was probably up there. Whether it was parallel parking on the street, or parking in a lot, knowing how to do it is a must for any motorist.

Welp — the motorists in our third volume of Parking Fails might want to reassess their parking abilities, or lack thereof. If you missed it, check out Parking Fails Volume I and Volume II. And here is Parking Fails Volume III!

Parking Fail # 7Parking Fail #1

Honey, I’m going fishing. Not sure when I’ll be back.”

Hopefully this guy’s catch for the day was worth it. In fact — he probably had to sell off his catch and put the cash toward a new car. Better yet, the conversation with his wife upon returning home probably didn’t go too well either.

Hun, I have good news and bad news. The good news is I brought home dinner. The bad news well, we’re going to be hoofing it for a while.

Parking Fail # 8Parking Fail #2

We know Wal-Mart offers some great discounts, but come on, guy. Also, how did you even get out of your car? More importantly, where did shoppers wind up putting their shopping carts? We’re willing to bet the parking lot probably looked something like this.

Either way, there’s no excuse for this, even if it’s Black Friday.


Parking Fail # 9Parking Fail #3

Park between the lines? Nah — makes too much sense. Props to the lone nonconformist in this one though.

Seriously though, what part of the lines didn’t these drivers see? Maybe this was an unfortunate case of follow the leader.

Have you spotted some parking fails? Send them our way on Twitter or Facebook and maybe they’ll be featured in a future edition of Parking Fails!


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Red-Light Camera Ticket FAQs

Running a red light is no joke — it puts you, pedestrians and other motorists in danger. And aside from putting a dent in your car, you can also put one in your wallet with a whopping $100 fine!

Here’s the deal: In some cases, a red light ticket doesn’t need to be issued in-person by a police officer. It can also be issued through the Red Light Camera Program.

Throughout the Philadelphia area, there are 31 intersections with Red Light Cameras installed, and if a vehicle goes through a red light at these intersections, a violation notice will be automatically sent to the owner’s address.

We encourage all motorists to obey the traffic laws. If you have been issued a fine for running a red light, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that can help you figure out your next steps:

Question: How do I pay my Red Light Camera ticket?

Answer: If the Red Light Camera violation is not past due, you have four options to make a payment.

  1. By mail: To Red Light Camera Program, P.O. Box 597, Baltimore, MD 21203-0597
  2. In person: At 45 N. 8th Street
  3. Over the phone: Call 1-844-248-0449
  4. Online: Red Light Camera violations under 30 days old can be paid here.

If the violation has gone past due, you also have four options to make a payment.

  1. By mail: To Parking Violations Branch, P.O. Box 41819, Philadelphia, PA 19101
  2. In Person: At 913 Filbert Street
  3. Over the phone: Call 1-888-591-3636
  4. Online: Red Light Camera violations over 30 days old can be paid here.

Note: To make payments online or over the phone, you will need your citation and PIN numbers. If you’re paying by mail, checks and money orders can be made out to the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Cash payments are not accepted through mail.

Question: Can I be put on a payment plan for Red Light Camera tickets?

Answer: Yes. Payment plans are now available for red light camera violations. Please call 1-888-591-3636 to enroll.

Question: Can I dispute a Red Light Camera ticket I received?

Answer: Yes, you may request a hearing within 30 days of receiving your Notice of Violation. If you don’t make a payment or request a hearing within 30 days of the date of your Notice of Violation, you will lose your right to a hearing and additional penalties will be added to your original fine.

If you would like to request a hearing within 30 days of the date of your Notice of Violation, you have two options:

  1. By mail: Fill out the Hearing Request Form attached to your Notice of Violation and mail to the Red Light Camera Program, P.O. Box 597, Baltimore, MD 21203-0597.
  2. Over the phone: Call 1-844-248-0449

Question: Can I have access to the video/pictures showing my violation?

Answer: Yes, you can view full color images and video here. Just make sure you have your citation or PIN ready.

Question: What are the locations of Red Light Cameras?

Answer: All Red Light Camera locations are listed on our website here and on this interactive map.

Any more questions? Let’s hear them on X (formerly Twitter) or Facebook! And remember — pump those breaks!

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#TBT: Penn’s Landing AutoPark

#TBT AutoPark at Penn's Landing # 1Alright, folks. Time for another stroll down the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s (PPA) Memory Lane.

If you visited Penn’s Landing in the mid ‘90s, there’s a good chance you parked at our lot under the bridge, then made a beeline for South Street.

For nearly five years, the PPA operated the aptly named AutoPark at Penn’s Landing. With over 200 parking spaces, you could park for only $4 before taking in the waterfront, or exploring the always vibrant South Street.

#TBT AutoPark at Penn's Landing # 2Fun fact: The grand opening ceremony was such a big deal, Fredo Corleone showed up!

Ok — so that’s not Fredo, it’s Rocky Morroto, the PPA’s Director of Off-Street Parking, but isn’t the resemblance uncanny? No need for a Halloween costume for Rocky in those years.

Fast forward to 2015: the PPA no longer operates the lot at Penn’s Landing and Rocky’s hair is grayer than clay, but he’s still making sure our garages are on the up and up!

If you’re looking for parking, check out what our current garages and lots have to offer. And if you’re interested in some of the improvements we’re making, check out our 8th & Filbert garage transformation!

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Parking Fails: Volume 1

We’ve all seen our share of bad parking jobs. You know — the types that leave you scratching your head wondering what could have possibly been going through the driver’s mind before turning off the ignition. In fact, some park jobs are so mind boggling, they become Internet viral sensations. Take a look at the gems below and learn from the best, or in this case, the worst.


Parking Fail #1Parking Fail #1

There are only two explanations for this one: Either the car merely fell out of the sky, or Ace Ventura went for a joy ride.

Either way, hopefully the owner of the silver Honda had some sort of sense of humor. Maybe their reaction was something like this, but it probably wasn’t.




Parking Fail # 2Parking Fail #2

Sinkholes: they’ll getcha. Imagine walking out of the grocery store to your car only to find it swallowed by the earth. On the surface, the driver appeared to have a superb park job, so this isn’t a parking fail on the driver’s part, but definitely on the parking lot’s part. This is a particularly bad case of “wrong place wrong time.” Could you imagine the call to the insurance company? “Hi, State Farm? Soooo, my car got gobbled up by a sinkhole. I’m covered, right?



Parking Fail # 3Parking Fail #3

This police officer definitely went home with a story that night. Just look at how he’s trying to process the situation here.

Officer: “Whelp. I think a see the problem here. Ya see, there’s a car wedged in between two other cars.”

What was the recourse here? Even the best tow truck drivers in the world would be dumbfounded. They probably would recommend getting a crane in there, and we don’t blame them.

Do you have a funny or ridiculous parking pic? Share it with us on Twitter or Facebook! Who knows — maybe it’ll be featured on the next edition of Parking Fails!

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Taxis For All Philadelphia In Support of Order 126-11: Modern Taxicab Standards

You are stranded and alone. It is 2 a.m., you are 10 miles from your home, and there is no bus route you can take back. Most have stopped running anyway. You call for a cab for the eighth time, but there is still not a single vehicle in the whole city to take you home. You have been waiting for three hours, hoping that one will come on duty. All you can do is wait.

It is a story common to more than 120,000 people with mobility disabilities in Philadelphia. You do everything right—you call for a ride from a taxicab company (often days beforehand, as is the current policy for wheelchair accessible vehicles) and your ride just never shows up. And when they stand you up, you’re stuck waiting on that lonely corner.

The Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Proposed Rulemaking Order 126-11 ”Modern Taxicab Standards” would solve this problem. The new regulation will require vehicles purchased for taxicab service after a designated date to be wheelchair accessible. If this rule is approved, the precedent of universal accessibility will be set here in Philadelphia and other cities across the nation will be urged to follow suit. We have waited on that lonely street corner long enough.

Accessibility is a civil right. Twenty-five years after the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law, politicians and businesses alike are still disregarding the rights of people with disabilities. As with every struggle for civil rights, a shift will only occur through the efforts of those with the strength and courage to correct injustice. We must continue the fight.

This regulation is about more than transportation. Being able to utilize a responsive transit system means being able to participate in society. Being heard and understood starts with being able to come to the table. Accessibility is the first step toward awareness and acceptance, and we can’t afford to wait any longer.

Your part starts with submitting a public comment in support of this rulemaking. It starts with you going to and sending an email.

Let’s make the City of Brotherly Love the first city in America with a fully accessible, fully integrated taxicab system—with liberty and taxis for all.


Note: The above text was drafted by Taxis For All Philadelphia, an advocacy group promoting unhindered taxicab accessibility for those with mobility disabilities.   


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