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HomeSearch Results for how (Page 16)

Temporarily Prohibit Parking While Moving

Moving is an exciting experience, but at the same time, it can be dreadful. Sure, it’s thrilling to move into a new environment, but lugging heavy furniture for hours on end isn’t one of life’s highlights. Combine that with the inevitable banging into walls, denting of furniture and of course,
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#TBT Olde City AutoPark

When you think Old City, a lot of things come to mind. If you’re a tourist, you might think of all the historic sites such as Independence Hall or the Liberty Bell. If you’re an art fan, you might flock to Old City for First Friday, a monthly event which
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Notice of Rescheduling of Sales of Wheelchair Accessible Taxicab Medallions

On August 16, 2014, notice was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of the Philadelphia Parking Authority's Board Order 14-003 directing the Taxicab & Limousine Division ("TLD") to administer the sale of 46 Philadelphia taxicab medallions, each of which are designated as wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) taxicab medallions.  This notice included

Notice of Rescheduling of Sales of Wheelchair Accessible Taxicab Medallions

On August 16, 2014, notice was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of the Philadelphia Parking Authority's Board Order 14-003 directing the Taxicab & Limousine Division ("TLD") to administer the sale of 46 Philadelphia taxicab medallions, each of which are designated as wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) taxicab medallions. This notice included

#TBT AutoPark at Jefferson

It’s #TBT and the year is 1954. Elvis is flooding the airwaves, the forces of communism and capitalism are continuously butting heads, and greasers are jetting around in their new flip top convertibles. With Hound Dog blasting in the background, the new and hip flip tops were able to park
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PEO Spotlight: Antonio Menezes

The job of a PPA Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO) requires a lot of patience and a liking for physical activity. PEOs wake up every morning knowing they’ll be insulted at least once a day for doing their job -- a job that requires eight hours of walking and yes -- at times
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#TBT: PPA Headquaters

It’s been over a year since we set up shop at 701 Market Street. Nestled conveniently nearThe Gallery Mall,Chinatown andReading Terminal Market, we have the perk of working in the most energetic section of Philly. So for this month’s #TBT, we sifted through Philadelphia’s public records and stumbled upon a
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#TBT: Another Visit to the Park and Lock Garage

The Philadelphia Parking Authority is taking another trip down memory lane! For this week’s #TBT, we scrounged up another picture from the grand opening of our Park and Lock Garage, courtesy of the Philadelphia Department of Public Records. In 1961, the PPA opened the Edison Park and Lock Garage. It was
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Mr. Positive: PEO Scott Rutizer

It’s been four years since Scott Rutizer has come down with a case of the Mondays. It’s also been four years since he joined the PPA as a Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO). Coincidence? We think not. Rutizer spends his workday out on Philly’s streets contributing a lot more to our city
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Dispute a Parking Ticket

Dispute a Parking Ticket The City of Philadelphia's Office of the Chief Administrative Officer oversees the Bureau of Administrative Adjudication (BAA).   Once a parking violation is issued, the BAA is the only agency able to determine liability. If you would like to dispute a parking violation you believe was issued in
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The Philadelphia Parking Authority Provides residents, businesses and visitors to Philadelphia with comprehensive parking management services. Our responsibilities include developing the city's supply of reasonably priced off-street parking, regulating the use of on-street parking, and providing convenient parking facilities at Philadelphia International Airport.
  • Posted on 13 Dec 2017
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The Philadelphia Parking Authority Provides residents, businesses, and visitors to Philadelphia with comprehensive parking management services. The mission of the Philadelphia Parking Authority is to contribute to the economic vitality of Philadelphia and the surrounding region by effectively managing and providing convenient parking on the street, at the airport, and in
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