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The Dangers of Leaving a Child Unattended in a Hot Car

Philadelphia in the summer is exciting, filled with free concerts, baseball games and other outdoor events. It’s also notorious for being hot and humid. It’s the type of hot where you walk outside and are immediately drenched in sweat. At times, it can be unbearable. As a parent or caregiver, it’s important
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Submitting a Parking Enforcement Request

Our Parking Enforcement Officers (PEO’s) run a tight ship while walking their beats. They’re focused on keeping traffic moving throughout Philadelphia, and keeping the streets safe from vehicle-related hazards. They keep their eyes and ears open to where their service is needed. But sometimes public input helps guarantee areas are being
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#UnblockBikeLanes with Anthony Kuczynski

Just under a year ago, we launched #UnblockBikeLanes on Twitter.  Since its inception, #UnblockBikeLanes has increased our ability to engage with Philadelphia’s cycling community while addressing problematic parking areas. The continued success of #UnblockBikeLanes is attributed to the relentless work ethic of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, who devised
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#TBT: 1961’s Park and Lock Garage

For this week’s #TBT, we dug up a vintage picture from Philadelphia’s Department of Public Records. Since 1950, the Philadelphia Parking Authority has provided Philadelphians and tourists with convenient parking locations throughout the city. We are committed to continue providing that service as we move forward. New parking garages may
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Putting Pizazz in the PPA: PEO Marlene Bednarczyk

Eight years ago, Marlene Bednarczyk left the Poconos for the City of Brotherly Love. Recently widowed, Marlene was in search of a job for this new chapter in her life. Marlene found the perfect job for her with The Philadelphia Parking Authority. “At that time I thought what’s the PPA? And
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Economy Parking

Economy Parking CUSTOMER ALERT: The economy parking lot is open with limited capacity. Please call 215-683-9842 for availability. Economy Parking is the most economic option for long-term parking with a daily flat rate of $15.00. The Economy Lot’s entrance is located at the intersection of Island and Penrose avenues and is easily accessible from the
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Parking Enforcement Officer Spotlight: Carlton Jones

Philadelphians are all too familiar with getting a bad rap. We've been mislabeled everything negative from cold and hard to fat and lazy to ruthless sports fans—okay, so maybe that last one isn't so bad. However, one group of Philadelphians is a bit more misunderstood than the rest of us.  The PEOs
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All is Not Lost: How to Contact Our Lost and Found

It’s just after 6:30 p.m. and it’s been a long day. The muggy Monday morning and dreary afternoon has given way to a full-blown torrential down pour. All you want is to get home, get dry and relax. You flag down the first cab you spot and climb in. Once
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