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Cyber Security: 5 Steps You Should Take

I work in the field of cyber security.  Specifically, I focus on credit card information safety. I am sure it comes as no surprise that protecting credit card information is a hot button issue at the moment and people working in security are constantly trying to fend off every conceivable
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Parking Fails: Volume XI

Parking: To some it’s still a science that is beyond comprehension. Luckily the lack of parking comprehension still provides for some good comedy, as you’ll clearly see in this edition of Parking Fails. Parking Fail #1 PSA: Chevy Silverados are now considered compact vehicles — at least in the mind of this
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Parking Fails: Volume X

Nothing good comes out of a bad park job. Think about it: Most of the time it’ll result in a ticket, and other times some people take a more aggressive approach to point out a parking mishap. In this edition of Parking Fails, we’re taking a brief look at those
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Philly’s Art Scene and Where to Park

When you think of Philadelphia’s art scene, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If it’s jogging up the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s steps while doing your best Rocky impression, you’re not quite right — but location-wise, you’re pretty close. Think about it for a second: How long can you
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#TBT: The Terrible Tow

Tow trucks: Probably not the most popular topic of conversation among motorists, but believe it or not, they have quite a history. In fact, there’s actually a Towing Hall of Fame and Museum down in Chattanooga, TN. Anyway, let’s get back to Philly. Back in the early 1900s tow trucks were
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Mother’s Day in Philly: What to do and Where to Park

When you think of Philadelphia’s history, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Being the first capital of the United States? Betsy Ross knitting the first American flag on Arch Street? Or how about the signing of the Declaration of Independence? You get the point -- Philadelphia’s history is filled
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#TBT: America’s First Multi-Storey Parking Garage

Nowadays if you’re parking in a city, you can’t turn a corner without seeing a parking garage, right? Believe it or not, parking garages weren’t always a thing, especially during the early years of automobiles. That all changed in 1918 with the Hotel La Salle Garage in Chicago. Considered the first multi-storey
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Parking Fails: Volume IX

Parking: Just like riding a bike or throwing a baseball, you either can do it well or you can’t do it at all. Whether it’s on the street, in a parking lot or garage, the shortfalls in parking are still alive and well, as you’ll see below. If you’ve missed
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#TBT: Back to North Philly

About a year ago, we went back to the 1990s to look at the groundbreaking ceremony of our North Philly neighborhood lot. We know: The black and white pictures make you think they’re from the ‘50s, but don’t be fooled. Anyway, this month we’re taking another look at the groundbreaking ceremony,
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Guest Post: The Latest Distracted Driving Stats

By: Fay Niselbaum It only takes a single moment of inattention for a car accident to occur. Unfortunately, a society that is too busy has led to all too many people attempting to do other things while they’re behind the wheel. Simply reaching for something in the car can be a
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