AuthorPPA Staff

HomeArticles Posted by PPA Staff (Page 27)

March Board Meeting Cancelled

Due to the public health impact and concerns of the COVID-19 outbreak and In light of recommendations by public health officials, the Authority’s Regular Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, 2020, has been cancelled.  A Special Board Meeting conference call will be scheduled for Monday, 3/30 at 11:00 am for Board Members Only.  Public comment will be accepted and considered.  Anyone wishing to submit a comment can do so by emailing Abby Cedeno at [email protected].  All such emails should be received by Ms. Cedeno on or before March 27, 2020 to be considered for the meeting.

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UPDATED: 3/12/2020 @ 3:17 PM Safety Precautions at the PPA

Dear Fellow Parking Authority Employees,

By now we all understand the seriousness and uncertainty surrounding the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). The Philadelphia Parking Authority will continue to follow the guidance of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PHPD) and the Centers for Disease Control on how to most effectively, responsibly and safely conduct the business of the Authority.

As we continue to engage in planning and discussion around the impact of COVID-19, both in and around Philadelphia, please be advised of the following key areas:


Employees with symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, dry cough, shortness of breath) are asked to self-quarantine at home and seek medical evaluation of his or her condition. If you are caring for someone who has these symptoms, do not come to work. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is available to employees who are experiencing a serious health condition. Contact Human Resources for additional information concerning FMLA.

Sick leave policy will be relaxed in relation to Covid-19. Employees impacted under this policy may use accrued leave, including sick leave, for the entire two-week period without providing a doctor’s certification. Employees without sick leave will be advanced up to ten (10) days sick leave during the self-quarantine period. In keeping with CDC guidelines, employees who are required to self-quarantine or are sick with acute respiratory illness will not be required to present a doctor’s certification.

Business Travel and Community Outreach Meetings

After consulting with local and state health officials, all Authority business related travel out of the commonwealth is indefinitely cancelled.  

Similarly, all scheduled community meetings or group events are cancelled, or if administered by a 3rd party, will not be attended by an Authority representative.

We will reexamine this directive regularly, taking into consideration the most up to date information and recommendations.  We acknowledge the impact of this measure as we take into consideration the safety, health and well-being of our employees, their families, and the public.

Personal Travel

Employees are urged to pay close attention to travel information posted by the United States Department of State. Several countries have been listed as places where a dangerous level of COVID-19 transfer has been confirmed.

Any Authority employee returning from a trip to a county identified on the State Department’s advisory list at Level 2 or higher, will not be permitted to return to work until 14 days after the employee has returned to the United States. You may use accrued time off during that time period. Similarly, employees living with a person who has recently returned from such a Level 2 Advisory county must also remain out of work for 14 days after that household member’s return to the United States.

We strongly urge you to reconsider travel plans to a Level 2 Advisory country. State Department advisories may be found at:

Cleaning of Our Buildings and Vehicles

We continue to employ an elevated disinfection and cleaning program within our buildings. We will continue to increase the level and frequency of that cleaning and will begin to more regularly clean and disinfect the interior of our vehicles.

We ask for your assistance in terms of these cleaning efforts. You can help by keeping your own work area clean, including the use of cleaning products that are provided by the Authority in your work area, including disinfecting wipes and sprays.  

You can also help maintain a clean and safe work environment by helping to stop the spread of germs by:

  • Remaining home from work if you are sick and visiting your doctor promptly.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  • Put your used tissue in a waste basket.
  • If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
  • Remember to wash your hands with soap and water after coughing or sneezing.

We will continue to consult with PDPH, and reviewed information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in order to ensure that the protocols and procedures we are employing represent best practices and are effective against COVID-19.

Workplace Practices

In order to reduce the chance of spreading illness, it is recommended that we not “shake hands” at meetings. This may seem like a small issue, but it can make a big difference. So, please stop shaking hands.

Also, except when necessary for brief group meetings, such as roll call, no meeting conducted by Authority employees may include more than 10 people in attendance, in person. Employees should make use of conference calls and similar forms of group electronic communication methods.    

Meetings in Authority buildings with 3rd parties, such as contractors or potential contractors or other members of the public are cancelled. Again, please take advantage of electronic forms of communication like tele conferencing to conduct meetings of this nature. 

Use of Accrued PTO

In the event you are required by Authority policies to remain out of work due to a travel advisory issue or in the event you are sick, the Authority will permit you to use any PTO (sick, vacation, etc.) that you have accrued, regardless of normal restrictions identified in a collective bargaining agreement or the Employee Manual, until further notice.

During this period, your use of accrued sick leave will not count against “Perfect Attendance” in terms of work history, sell back or other related employee benefits. 

Further Updates

We will continue to remain in contact with PDPH and adhere to evolving guidance from the Centers for Disease Control regarding best practice for the control and response to CORVID-19. You should continue to monitor our website at for updates and to review previous communications regarding this issue.

Please free to call our Senior Director of Human Resources, Karen Hyers, at 215-683-9705 with specific questions so that they may be promptly addressed.


Scott Petri
Executive Director


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Where to Park for the Philadelphia Flower Show

Need a reminder that spring is just around the corner? Here’s one: The Philadelphia Flower Show is making its return to the Pennsylvania Convention Center from February 29 – March 8. With this year’s theme encompassing a Riviera Holiday inspired by Mediterranean gardens, you instantly become wrapped up by the enchanting dimensions of the flowers exuding horticultural exquisiteness. Citrus tree groves will  provide a lush and dramatic landscape as you enter the massive convention center showroom. Low-maintenance staples of mediterranean gardening such as  terra cotta pots, tiered fountains, lavender and cypress trees will be on display as you explore all the floral waves of plants, likely inspiring you to create a Mediterranean style-like garden of your own.  

Plan on stopping to smell the roses and need a convenient parking spot? Though use of public transit is highly encouraged, we provide multiple convenient parking options within close walking distance to the convention center. Check out the rates and locations below, or just feed the on-street parking meter with our mobile payment app, meterUP. Don’t forget — our new Pay-By-Plate parking kiosks are also cropping up near the convention center. Get the quick run-down on how to use them here

As always if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on Facebook or Twitter.  

The AutoPark at The Fashion District


  • Up to 1 hour: $7.00
  • Up to 2 hours: $11.00
  • Up to 3 hours: $15.00
  • Up to 12 hours: $22.00


  • Early Bird – Enter by 10 a.m., exit by 6 p.m. – $13.00
  • Super Early Bird – Enter by 8 a.m., exit by 8 p.m. (Monday through Friday) – $12.00
  • Evening rate after 4 p.m.– Maximum to 12 Midnight – $11.00

Parkade on 8th: 


  • Up to 1 hour: $11.00
  • Up to 1 1/2 hours: $14.00
  • Up to 2 hours: $18.00
  • Up to 12 hours: $20.00


  • Early Bird – Enter by 10 a.m., exit by 7 p.m. – $14.00
  • Evening Rate – Enter after 5 p.m., exit by 3 a.m. (Monday through Friday) – $10.00

Family Courthouse Garage:


  • Up to 1 hour: $14.00
  • Up to 1 1/2 hours: $20.00
  • Up to 2 hours: $26.00
  • Up to 12 hours: $27.00


  • Early Bird – Enter by 9 a.m., exit by 7:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday) – $17.00
  • Evenings rate after 5 p.m. (exit by 6 a.m.) – $10.00
  • Weekend rate (per day, exit by 6 a.m.) – $11.00

Photo Courtesy of

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PPA to Expand Installation of NEW “Pay-By-Plate” Parking Kiosks – with citywide completion set for end of summer.

(PHILADELPHIA) — Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) Executive Director, Scott Petri, announced today that installation of the PPA’s new solar-powered “Pay-By-Plate” parking kiosks will now be expanded citywide, beyond the initial Center City pilot area — eventually replacing all existing kiosks and stand alone coin-operated parking meters throughout the city.

According to Petri, “New pay-by-plate kiosk customers will be required to enter their license plate number along with the parking zone number and then select a preferred payment option, either coin, credit or debit card. PPA enforcement officers will verify customer payment by electronically scanning each license plate to verify payment.”

Petri stressed that “Customers must correctly enter their license plate number and will no longer be required to print a receipt from the kiosk that they were previously required to place on their vehicle’s dashboard — but they can still choose to print a receipt, or receive one via text message,” he said.

“The installation of all new pay-by-plate kiosks should be complete by the end of summer. This means you will have to know your license plate number. I can’t emphasize that enough,” he said. “The key to our new kiosks is remembering your license plate number.  Your license plate number is the basis for our new on-street parking operation.”

During the transition period when new “Pay-By-Plate” kiosks are being installed to replace the existing kiosks, customers are reminded that until all kiosks are installed city-wide, both types of kiosks and stand-alone coin meters will be in operation in different parts of the city.

Below is a short video demonstrating how the new solar-powered “Pay-By-Plate” kiosks work:

Additional Resources:

Pay-By-Plate Parking Kiosks: What You Need to Know

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January: Board Meeting Round-Up


January 2020: Board Meeting Round-Up

On Tuesday, January 21, 2020, the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Board met for its monthly meeting.

The meeting agenda along with the Board approved motions can be found here.




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PPA Begins Installation of Speed Cameras at First of 8 Locations on Roosevelt Boulevard


(PHILADELPHIA) – PPA Executive Director Scott Petri joined Mayor Jim Kenney today at a press conference to announce the installation of automated speed enforcement cameras at the first of eight locations along Roosevelt Boulevard.

The decision to place speed cameras on Roosevelt Boulevard is the result of a number of high speed related accidents over the years – many involving serious injury and the tragic loss of life.

Commenting on the new speed enforcement cameras, PPA Executive Director Scott Petri said, “The Boulevard already has nine intersections that are monitored by red light cameras. As a result, red light running has been dramatically decreased on the Boulevard at red light camera intersections by 58% since 2005.”

When the first red light cameras were activated at Grant Avenue and the Boulevard in 2005, 25,673 red light running violations were recorded.  At this same intersection in 2018, 4,697 red light camera violations occurred – a staggering 82% reduction in red light running at this intersection. 

“We believe red light cameras save lives — and we believe the installation of speed enforcement cameras along Roosevelt Boulevard will save more lives,” Petri said.

“Traffic deaths in Philadelphia are preventable and never acceptable,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. ” Adding automated speed cameras on the Boulevard is one of the most effective steps that we can take to eliminate traffic deaths. With the installation of these cameras, we continue to make progress on our Vision Zero efforts to eliminate traffic fatalities in Philadelphia by 2030.”

A longtime advocate for both red light and speed enforcement cameras, former Philadelphia state Representative John Taylor said, “Our goal with automated enforcement technologies on the Boulevard has always been to save lives. The installation of speed cameras is another step aimed at reducing hazards and saving lives on this dangerous stretch of highway.”

Once the speed cameras are fully operational, there will be an initial 60-day warning period before fines are issued. Following the warning period, any vehicle observed traveling in excess of 11 miles per hour over the speed limit will be subject to a fine up to

$150 — depending on the speed at which the vehicle clocked, and will be mailed to the registered address of the vehicle.

No points will be added to an individual’s driving record. The fine is aimed at deterring driving at excessive speeds that could lead to fatal injuries. 

With an estimated 140 communities in 14 other states already utilizing automated speed enforcement cameras, their effectiveness has been clearly demonstrated. For example, between 2014 and 2017, New York City saw reduced speeding at camera locations by 63% while reducing fatal crashes by 55%. 

Ultimately there will be a total of thirty-two (32) automated speed enforcement cameras operational at eight (8) different locations on Roosevelt Boulevard for this pilot program. The automated speed enforcement camera locations will be the following;

  1. Roosevelt Boulevard and Banks Way
  2. Roosevelt Boulevard and F Street
  3. Roosevelt Boulevard and Deveraux Street
  4. Roosevelt Boulevard and Harbison Avenue
  5. Roosevelt Boulevard and Strahle Street
  6. Roosevelt Boulevard and Grant Avenue
  7. Roosevelt Boulevard and Red Lion Road (near Whitten Street)
  8. Roosevelt Boulevard and Southampton Road ( near Horning Road)


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Customers to Expect Revamped Notices From the PPA


As the Philadelphia Parking Authority implements a new customer service interface in the near future, customers can also expect to receive revamped mailings from the Parking Violations Branch and Bureau of Administrative Adjudication.

Below are examples of a current mailing, and a revamped mailing to be expected in the near future.















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