Yearly Archives : 2015

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Fee Schedule FY 2016

To All Industry Members: The TLD Fee Schedule for fiscal year 2016 is attached for your reference (Download - Fee Schedule FY 2016), which is effective immediately. Assessment notices will be sent to all certificate holders under separate cover. If you have any questions regarding this notice you may contact Administrative Counsel

RFP No. 15-14 Microsoft Dynamics GP Software Purchase

This RFP is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting proposals for the procurement of Microsoft Dynamics GP Software and Licenses.  Prospective Proposers will need to register by emailing Mary Wheeler, Manager of Contract Administration, at [email protected] prior to downloading the attached documents in order to participate in this solicitation. 15-14 Notice to

Parking Fails: Volume III

What’s one of the first things you learned when you got your learner’s permit? Aside from turning on the ignition, how to properly park was probably up there. Whether it was parallel parking on the street, or parking in a lot, knowing how to do it is a must for
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Parking Fails: Volume II

Our world will never be short of parking fails. Think about it: In the U.S. alone, there are hundreds of millions of parking spaces, so someone is bound to screw up. All the drivers can do is hope their parking mishaps aren’t posted online for the world to see. Unfortunately for
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In Re: Authorization of Wheelchair Accessible Medallions

On March 7, 2015, notice was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Board Order 15-003 directing the Taxicab & Limousine Division (“TLD”) to administer the sale of 61 Philadelphia taxicab medallions, each of which are designated as wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) taxicab medallions. This notice included