Yearly Archives : 2015

Home2015 (Page 12)

RFP # 15-01 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Philadelphia International Airport

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified vendors to procure and install Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at the Philadelphia International Airport . The sole contact at the Authority shall be Mary Wheeler, Manager of Contract
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#TBT: Rittenhouse Square Parking Garage

By now we’re sure you’ve noticed we like taking a glance into the past. It’s always enlightening to briefly glimpse backward to realize the how times changed. As we sifted through vintage pictures of the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s (PPA) history for this month’s #TBT, we came across this one. And no
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PEO Spotlight: Peter Free

We all have a story. It’s what makes us unique and different from one another. The bus driver who gets you to work -- he has a story. The street vendors who make your breakfast sandwiches? They have a story. Our Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs)? Yep -- they all have
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Taxicab Safety Cameras

Notice to the Industry Regarding Taxicab Safety Cameras: 52 Pa Code 1017.71 requires the installation of an Authority approved taxicab safety camera system in all taxicabs by February 23, 2015. The list of approved safety camera vendors has also been posted on the Authority’s web site and may be viewed at: The