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PPA Off-Street Parking Service Awards

If you’ve ever parked in one of our garages, there’s a good chance you’ve chatted with someone from our off-street parking team. A few weeks ago, our Director of Off-Street Parking Operations, Rocco Morrotto (a.k.a. Rocky), handed out service awards to our dedicated staff. If you don’t remember Rocky, he’s
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Premier Rated Parking Facilities

In addition to being awarded accreditation with distinction through the International Parking & Mobility Institute’s (IPMI) Accredited Parking Organization (APO) program, three Philadelphia Parking Authority facilities were rated as Premier. The Premier Facility designation is reserved for parking facilities that have met a rigorous checklist of criteria specifically designed to
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Thank You to All PPA Employees

Dear Team, I want to extend my sincere thanks and best wishes to all PPA employees. This year has been one that we could not have imagined. The COVID-19 pandemic brought uncertainty, devastation, and many hardships to our economy and our families. However, through it all, each of you has remained
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IPMI Marketing & Communications Award – 2020

The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) in Pennsylvania has increased its digital presence through the robust use of informative video content and a new podcast. PPA was looking for ways to adapt its digital content to tell the organization’s brand story better while increasing its social media following. The PPA already
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Accredited Parking Organization with Distinction

The Philadelphia Parking Authority won accreditation through the International Parking & Mobility Institute’s (IPMI) Accredited Parking Organization (APO) program, a certification for parking organizations that have achieved a comprehensive standard of excellence. APO recognizes best practices in responsible parking management and operations, customer service, professional development, sustainability, safety, and security. According to IPMI,
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