Eight years ago, Marlene Bednarczyk left the Poconos for the City of Brotherly Love. Recently widowed, Marlene was in search of a job for this new chapter in her life. Marlene found the perfect job for her with The Philadelphia Parking Authority.
“At that time I thought what’s the PPA? And
Economy Parking
CUSTOMER ALERT: The economy parking lot is open with limited capacity.
Please call 215-683-9842 for availability.
Economy Parking is the most economic option for long-term parking
with a daily flat rate of $15.00.
The Economy Lot’s entrance is located at the intersection of Island and Penrose avenues and is easily accessible from the
Philadelphians are all too familiar with getting a bad rap. We've been mislabeled everything negative from cold and hard to fat and lazy to ruthless sports fans—okay, so maybe that last one isn't so bad. However, one group of Philadelphians is a bit more misunderstood than the rest of us.
The PEOs
It’s just after 6:30 p.m. and it’s been a long day. The muggy Monday morning and dreary afternoon has given way to a full-blown torrential down pour. All you want is to get home, get dry and relax. You flag down the first cab you spot and climb in. Once
Frequently Asked Questions
Please Note the Following:
Please take time to read our new procedures and rules below.
You can register for the auction at any time by going to aautoauction.com
Vehicles will be open for bidding beginning at 8:00AM the day of the auction.
All bidders/purchasers must be at least 18 years old. No one under
In an effort to increase parking opportunities for shoppers, meter parking will be enforced on holidays during which there is normal retail activity. There are nine (9) days a year on which we only enforce parking regulations that affect safety and traffic flow. No meters or residential parking time limits
Ticket Information
The Philadelphia Parking Authority offers four ways to pay parking tickets so that you can choose the method that is most convenient for you.
To learn more about parking violations, visit our Laws and Enforcement page.