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#TBT: The Quest for Pierre Robert’s Lost Glasses

If you take a cab on the regular, there’s a chance you may have forgotten something and thought to yourself, “What the heck am I going to do?!” We get it — it happens. Luckily the folks at our Taxi Lost and Found team can help get you reunited with your
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PPA Off-Street Parking Service Awards

If you’ve ever parked in one of our garages, there’s a good chance you’ve chatted with someone from our off-street parking team. A few weeks ago, our Director of Off-Street Parking Operations, Rocco Morrotto (a.k.a. Rocky), handed out service awards to our dedicated staff. If you don’t remember Rocky, he’s
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Parking Fails: Volume VI

It’s inevitable: When parking on a street or parking lot, you’re bound to come across a park job that leaves you feeling something like this. You get the jist: Until every vehicle becomes self-driving, bad park jobs will be a daily occurrence.  Luckily for us, some of the park jobs make
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Parking Fails: Volume V

From retail aisles to fast food parking lots, people are still finding interesting ways to park — and they’re not pretty. If our past versions of parking fails show us anything, it’s that despite going through driving school and getting a license, drivers still forget how to properly park. Okay, maybe
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#TBT: Center City AutoPark

For this month’s Throwback Thursday, we’re heading back to 1992 and taking another look at the grand opening of our AutoPark in Center City. Nowadays if you head down to 1503 Arch St., you’ll notice our brand new Family Courthouse parking garage. But in 1992 at the same location, we opened
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PPA Payment Plan Primer

When you think of payment plans, you probably think of paying off your student loans, mortgage, or car loans, right? But did you know payment plans are also offered for parking tickets? We know---being on a payment plan for a parking ticket probably isn’t exactly the most riveting thing to be
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PPA ADA Event Participation

A few months ago, we participated in an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) event at City Hall. Not only did the occasion mark the 25th anniversary of the ADA being voted into law, it also gave us the perfect opportunity to assist residents with disabilities find parking close to their
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Parking Fails: Volume IV

Remember how we said this world would never be short of parking fails? Welp, unfortunately that statement is holding true month in and month out. If you haven’t already, check out our past editions of parking fails, then feast your eyes on this month’s gems. And yes — that is
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Parking Fails: Volume III

What’s one of the first things you learned when you got your learner’s permit? Aside from turning on the ignition, how to properly park was probably up there. Whether it was parallel parking on the street, or parking in a lot, knowing how to do it is a must for
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Parking Fails: Volume II

Our world will never be short of parking fails. Think about it: In the U.S. alone, there are hundreds of millions of parking spaces, so someone is bound to screw up. All the drivers can do is hope their parking mishaps aren’t posted online for the world to see. Unfortunately for
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