AuthorPPA Staff

HomeArticles Posted by PPA Staff (Page 3)

Request for Information No. 24-19 Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is requesting information to gain knowledge of potential qualified sources and types of EV Charging units to assist the Authority in understanding existing services offered and business models available in our region. The Request for Information method is not intended to result in a contract award but is designed to allow for the collection of industry information that may be used to assist the Authority in developing a subsequent Request for Proposal.

Prospective Respondents must register for this solicitation using the Respondent Registration Form (control-click to follow link), prior to the responses being submitted no later than 12:00 PM on Friday, August 9, 2024

The sole contact at the Authority regarding this RFI is Chynah Grabe, Coordinator of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the RFI are below:

RFI No. 24-19 Respondent Registration Form

RFI No. 24-19 Notice to Respondents – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFI.

RFI No. 24-19 Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment– RFI Document, please review prior to submitting information.

RFI No. 24-19 Questions Submission Form – Offerors must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

RFI No. 24-19 Addendum #1 – 7.19.2024

RFI No. 24-19 Addendum #2 – 7.30.2024

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CONSUMER FRAUD ALERT: Malicious Text Messages Falsely Claim Recipients Owe for Outstanding Parking Tickets


(PHILADELPHIA)—The Philadelphia Parking Authority today issued a Consumer Fraud ALERT, warning customers of a malicious phishing scam in which consumers are receiving text messages disguised as coming from the PPA that falsely inform them they owe money for an unpaid parking ticket. Included in the text message is a link to a malicious non-PPA website with a request to click the link below to make payment.

The PPA urges consumers NOT to click the link and NOT to respond to these text messages. The PPA advises anyone wishing to see if they have an outstanding parking ticket to go online at and under “Tickets” check to see if there is money owed by entering the ticket violation number and license plate number or call the Parking Violations Branch directly at 1-888-591-3636 to find out if you have an outstanding balance.  Any payment should be directed to PPA’s website at 

The PPA provides four (4) official methods to make payments. Those payment options include:
  • Via Phone: 1-888-591-3636
  • Via Mail: City of Philadelphia, Parking Violations Branch, P.O. Box 41818 Philadelphia, PA 19101
  • In-person: 913 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107


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RFP No. 24-13 Plumbing Services at Lot 10

This RFP has been cancelled and no contract has been awarded.

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority is seeking proposals from qualified Offerors to remove all existing plumbing, install new water service, sanitary discharge line and conversion of the existing trailer bathroom fixtures to standardized fixtures, including two toilets and two sinks at the Authority’s Impoundment Lot 10, located 6 East Oregon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19148.

Prospective Offerors must register using the Offeror Registration Form (control-click to follow link) prior to downloading the RFP document from the Authority’s website.

Prospective Offerors are required to attend a mandatory, in-person Pre-Proposal Meeting on Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the Authority’s Impoundment Lot 10 located at 6 E. Oregon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19148.  A mandatory site visit will take place immediately following the Pre-Proposal Meeting. Please allow for adequate time when attending the Pre-Proposal Meeting. Offerors must be in attendance at this meeting in order to be considered an eligible Offeror.

The sole contact at the Authority is Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Important Documents and Links related to the RFP are below:

RFP No. 24-13 Offeror Registration Form

RFP No. 24-13 Notice to Offerors – Contains important dates and information pertaining to the RFP.

RFP No. 24-13 Plumbing Services at Lot 10 – 7.15.24 – RFP Document, please review prior to attending the Pre-Proposal Meeting.

RFP No. 24-13 Question Submission Form – Offerors must submit all questions and clarification of instructions using this form.

24-13 Proposal Form 7.15.24 – Word version of Proposal Form

RFP No. 24-13 Proposal Decline Form – Please complete if you registered using the Offeror Registration Form above but have decided not to submit a proposal.

RFP No. 24-13 Pre-Proposal Sign-In Sheet

RFP No. 24-13 Addendum #1 – 7.31.24

RFP No. 24-13 Addendum #2 – 8.13.24

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Bid No. 24-18 Tenant Fit-Out at Parkade on 8th Street Garage and Swanson Street Office Renovations

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”.

The Authority intends to engage four prime contractors, General Construction, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing and Fire Protection for this IFB. This IFB is for the tenant fit out at the retail spaces E-J on the western portion of the Parkade on 8th Street garage and office renovations at the Authority’s Taxi & Limousine Division located at 2415 Swanson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148.

Prospective Bidders are required to register for the solicitation using the Bidder Registration Form (control-click to access the form) prior to the Pre-Bid meeting on July 23, 2024.

Bid Documents will be made available through a OneDrive link, the link will be sent to the email address provided on the Bidder Registration Form within 24 hours.

Prospective Bidders are required to attend a mandatory, in-person Pre-Bid Meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the Authority Headquarters located at 701 Market Street Suite 5400, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Mandatory site visits at each location will take place immediately following the Pre-Bid Meeting. It is anticipated that the Pre-Bid meeting and site visits will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete. Attendance will be taken at each site visit and is required to be considered an eligible bidder.

The sole contact at the Authority shall be Shannon Stewart, Manager of Contract Administration, email at [email protected].

Bid No. 24-18 Bidder Registration Form – Bidders must register in order to receive the bid documents. Once registered, the bid documents will be available through a Dropbox link that will be sent via email to the email address provided on the Registration Form.

Bid No. 24 -18 Notice to Bidders – Contains important dates and information related to the bid.

Bid No. 24-18 Question Submission Form – Bidders must submit questions and material substitutions using the Question Submission Form.

Bid No. 24-18 Bid Decline Form – Please complete if you will not be submitting a bid after attending the Pre-Bid Meeting.

Bid No. 24-18 Addendum #1 – 8.5.24

Bid No. 24-18 Addendum #2 -8.9.24

Bid No. 24-18 Tabulation

Bid No. 24-18 Pre-Bid Sign-In Sheet

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Due to testing being performed by building maintenance at 701 Market, the normal method of calling out (215-683-9777) for all employees will be unavailable between 9 PM Thursday, June 27th through 8 AM Friday, June 28th. Please contact Communications at 215-683-9558 instead.

If anyone is due for a late night/overnight shift from Thursday to Friday, please notify the clerk so they can contact your supervisor. All other callouts will be reported to department heads via email when normal operations return at 8 AM.






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July 2024: Regular Board Meeting

The Authority’s Regular Board Meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on July 16, 2024, will be held in-person at PPA Headquarters and virtually via Microsoft Teams webinar. You may register to attend the Board meeting virtually HERE.

Anyone wishing to make comment at the Regular Board Meeting via the Webinar must contact Kelly Quinn at [email protected]. All such emails and requests must be received by Ms. Quinn by July 15, 2024, to be considered for the meeting.

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