
HomeArticles Posted by djohnson (Page 12)

Notice to All Industry Members

The Taxicab & Limousine Division (TLD) has recently discovered that broadcast email messages to industry members are not always being transferred to and received by all Yahoo email accounts. In an effort to control spam from reaching its users email accounts, Yahoo has a policy that does not allow the delivery of an email message that is sent from one email address to more than a certain number of Yahoo email accounts at one time.

Pursuant to TLD Regulations, all certificate holders, brokers and those regulated parties that have voluntarily registered an email address per Section 1001.51(c) are required to have a valid working email account to accept service by the TLD. Therefore, you are advised to use email accounts that are capable of receiving mass broadcast email messages from the TLD. You are responsible for assuring that your email account is capable of performing in the commercial manner necessary to be a regulated party as Yahoo may not be the only email service provider preventing mass broadcast messages from being delivered.

Therefore, for those regulated parties that currently have a Yahoo account registered with the TLD, you now have 15 days to register a new email account. This must be done by filing a Change of Information Form which can be found on this website under “Forms & Lists”. For those that use other email service providers, please check the terms and conditions of the provider’s email service and look out for changes in the future. Failure to have a valid working email address registered with the TLD may result in the issuance of a penalty.

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Notice to All Industry Members: EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2013

All applicants for driver certification must be able to sufficiently speak in the English language to communicate with the general public, to understand highway traffic signs and signals in the English language, to respond to official inquiries and to make verifiable entries on reports and records (see 52 Pa. Code §§ 1021.4 & 1057.4). Therefore, an application for new driver certification (DR-1) may only be filed upon proving proficiency in the English language.

All persons applying for new driver certification must first prove their ability to sufficiently speak in the English Language.  English Proficiency examinations will only be given Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Only after passing an English Proficiency Examination may a person file a New Driver Certificate Application (DR-1) at the TLD Customer Service Window.  The TLD Customer Service Window will only accept the filing of  a DR-1 Monday through Friday between 8:30 to 12:00 p.m.

This process applies to all DR-1 new driver certificate applications, regardless of the classification (taxicab, limousine or dual certification).  If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact the TLD at (215) 683-9458 or at [email protected].  Thank you.

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Use of Attorneys by Industry Members

The TLD’s Regulations require the use of a certified Broker or licensed attorney for some transactions before the Authority. However, the Enforcement Department strongly recommends that you seek the advice of legal counsel before approving or signing stock transfers, medallion or certificate transfers, management agreements, powers of attorney and other documents affecting your rights.

The Enforcement Department has received numerous complaints from industry members about these issues after the documents have been signed. The use of an attorney prior to signing those documents may have prevented the complainant’s problems and saved both time and money.

Anyone can obtain a lawyer referral by contacting the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral service at: or by calling 215 238-6333.

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Notice To All Interested Parties:

Attached please find the Philadelphia Parking Authority, Taxicab and Limousine Division’s (TLD) Fiscal Year 2014 Budget and Fees for your review and comment. We would greatly appreciate any written comment you may have by close of business on Wednesday, February 20th, 2013. Comments may be forwarded to Charles Milstein, Assistant to the Director at [email protected] or at the address of the TLD below.The budget and public comment invitation were forwarded via email to all certificate holders and anyone with an email address registered with the TLD and posted on the Authority’s website on February 7, 2013.

Additionally, a public Comment Hearing will be held at the offices of the TLD, 2415 S. Swanson Street in Philadelphia on Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 at 10:30 AM.

Proposed Budget 2014

James R. Ney, Director

Taxicab & Limousine Division

Philadelphia Parking Authority

2415 S. Swanson Street

Philadelphia, PA 19148

T 215-683-9417

F 215-683-9437

E-Mail [email protected]

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Title Executive Board Advisory Opinion – 13-0001


In accordance with ofthe act ofJuly 16,2004, (P.L. 758, No. 94), as amended, 53 Pa.C.S. §§5701 et seq., (the “act”),) the Authority, on January 28,2013, formally commenced the process to promulgate regulations to provide more specific procedures related to the impoundment of vehicles, equipment and medallions by the Authority pursuant to the act under Authority Docket No. 126-3.


Pending the final adoption of the proposed rulemaking or further modification by this Board, it will be the policy of the Authority to adhere to the scope, practice and procedures provided in Annex A ofthe Proposed Rule Making Order dated January 28,2013 under Docket No. 126-3 when exercising any impoundment authorization under the act.


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