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HomeArticles Posted by PPA Staff (Page 45)

The More You Know: Parking Signs Explained

SignsExplained Featured PicOn each block of Philly you’ll find something new. There’s restaurants, cafes, clothing stores, maybe even a street performer playing music that can be heard for blocks or serenading  passersby. It’s not just the culture and opportunities that change with each block; the parking rules do, too.

As you’re taking a stroll, and if you park in the city regularly, you’ll notice the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) signs posted on each street. These signs outline the parking regulations for each particular block.

Since some of the signs may be difficult to understand, we’ll be doing a breakdown on signs to help you easily avoid tickets. But before you read the ins and outs of the sign pictured to the left, take a look at this video tutorial courtesy of our friends at VisitPhilly! And remember — read the signs before parking!

On the left side of the sign, you clearly see the words “No Stopping Anytime,” with an arrow pointing to the left. Sounds pretty self-explanatory, right? If you were to park your vehicle to the left of this sign at anytime, a ticket will be issued. So, avoid parking to the left of this sign.

To the right in red letters is “No Parking Truck Loading Only.” This regulation is in effect Mondays through Fridays from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a one hour time limit. So what does this mean? It means that only delivery trucks can park in this zone for one hour from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.. If a regular vehicle (pickup truck, sedan, motorcycle, etc.) parked in this zone, it would receive a ticket. When a delivery truck is parked there, it’s timed for one hour by a Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO). If the delivery truck remains parked for over an hour, it will receive a ticket.

Last but not least is three hour parking in green letters. From Monday through Friday No Parking Truck Loading Only” regulations end at 4 p.m. This means regular vehicles can park in this zone for up to three hours between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. But if you fast forward to Saturday and Sunday, regular vehicles can park for up to three hours from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

One last thing though—when you’re done reading the sign, remember to pay at the nearest kiosk.

There you have it for this sign. Be sure to keep an eye on our blog because we’ll be giving the run-down on different signs regularly. In the meantime, if you see a confusing sign and need any clarification, Tweet us a picture or share it with us on Facebook!

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#TBT AutoPark at Jefferson

#TBT Jefferson AutoParkIt’s #TBT and the year is 1954. Elvis is flooding the airwaves, the forces of communism and capitalism are continuously butting heads, and greasers are jetting around in their new flip top convertibles. With Hound Dog blasting in the background, the new and hip flip tops were able to park in the AutoPark at Jefferson.

Built in May 1954, the AutoPark at Jefferson has stood strong and continues to provide convenient parking to Jefferson Hospital, the Gallery Mall, and of course, the many shops in the surrounding area. Located at 10th and Ludlow streets, it’s the perfect jumping off point to take in the many attractions of Philly.

Obviously times have changed in the past few decades. Instead of hearing Hound Dog we’re hearing Snoop Dogg and greasers have taken the form of hipsters. One can only guess what changes will come 60 years from now. Maybe a flying car AutoPark? We shall see.

The picture featured here shows the AutoPark circa 1954. The cars and clothes have changed quite a bit since then, but the structure looks about the same!

We’d like to give a shout-out to Margery Sly, Director of Special Collections Research Center at Temple University, for allowing us to use this gem of a picture.

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RFP 14-06 for Independence Mall Structural Repairs

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified vendors in order to procure Structural Engineering Services for our Independence Mall Underground Garage. The sole contact at the Authority shall be Michael McKeown, Contracts Manager, 701 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or email at [email protected]

For more information, please see below:

RFP 14-06 for Ind Mall Struct repairs – Final_2


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Do’s & Don’ts of Scooter/Motorcycle Parking

Whether you’re parking on the streets or on sidewalks, understanding the do’s and don’ts of parking your scooter or motorcycle parking will ultimately help you avoid parking tickets.

With more than 40 scooter/motorcycle corrals spread throughout Philly, we want to ease any confusion you may have when it comes to parking in designated scooter/motorcycle zones.

Take a look below to fully understand the ins and outs of scooter/motorcycle parking in Philly:

 Pay a $5 flat-rate fee

As of January 1, 2015, scooter and motorcyclists can pay a daily rate of $5 to park at any corral in Philadelphia. You can also use the same receipt when parking at other corrals throughout the day. 

Multiple kiosks receipts cannot be combined for the daily $5 rate. The $5 must be purchased in a single transaction.

Impede curb space

When parking at a corral, be sure your scooter or motorcycle is not on the curb or sidewalk.

Park on the sidewalk in commercial/business areas

If you’re in a commercial area, parking your scooter or motorcycle on the sidewalk 
is prohibited.

Park in front of your own home

If you live in a Residential Permit Parking zone, you can apply for a permit for your scooter or motorcycle. This permit allows you to park your scooter or motorcycle on the sidewalk in front of your home, under the following restrictions:

  • You park parallel to your home, up against the wall and do not block pedestrian traffic
  • Once you leave the street, you must turn off your vehicle and  walk it to park 
  • You may also park your scooter or motorcycle on the sidewalk, under the same restrictions above in unregulated residential blocks.

Any questions? Let’s hear them on X ( formerly Twitter) or Facebook!







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