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AuthorPPA Staff

HomeArticles Posted by PPA Staff (Page 39)

Parking Fails: Volume VIII

With more than 200 million drivers on  the road in the U.S. alone, you can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll see a good amount of comedy on the road, or in these cases, off the road.

Parking Fail # 22Parking Fail # 1

Alright, so there’s nothing necessarily wrong with this park job. But this guy made the mistake of parking while having overly-clever friends with too much time on their hands.

Also: hopefully customers were shopping pretty lightly that day.

Parking Fail # 2

Parking Fail # 23Either the high tide was higher than normal that day, or the driver was just flat out stupid.

If the driver ever had a chance of saving his car and dignity, luckily it looks like they had a loyal group of friends lending a hand.

Just remember folks: If you’re going to a beach that has a parking lot, use it.


Parking Fail # 3

Parking Fail # 24

A+ for execution, F- for following directions.

Looks like the Tetris world champion has a challenger on their hands.  

Big question though: How’d they get out? If they took the Austin Powers route, that’s a hefty repair bill that’ll need to be paid to the other drivers.


Remember: If you see a parking fail in an area that we patrol, call our communications line at 215-683-9775 and we’ll send someone out to take a look!

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52nd Street Meter Mural Project

IMG_7408It’s no secret that Philadelphia has a robust art scene. Think about it: We have the Philadelphia Art Museum, the Barnes Foundation and let’s not forget the countless murals scattered throughout the city.

Now, if you head down to 52nd Street, you’ll notice a different kind of mural — meter murals that is.

Here’s the scoop: A few months ago The Enterprise Center Community Development Corporation  (TEC-CDC) encouraged local artists, especially those with a West Philly connection (where 52nd Street is located), to give some old parking meters a much-needed facelift. After many proposals were submitted, 10 artists were chosen to spruce up the meters, and they didn’t disappoint.

Believe it or not, meter murals are becoming a thing in cities across the U.S. Most recently Dallas, TX and Wheeling, WV began sprucing up their parking meters, leaving parkers pleasantly surprised. We know: who’da thunk parking could be fun, right?

Anyway, let’s get back to 52nd Street.

Sure, sprucing up old parking meters is a cool idea, but for 52nd Street, it was more than that.

In an interview with PhillyVoice, Akeem Dixon, 52nd Street corridor manager for the TEC-CDC says, “Most importantly, this is a job creator. People will get paid for their artistic ability. This helps revitalize a community with an art installation, and it acts as a community engagement tool.”

Truer words have never been spoken. For more information on the great work done by  TEC-CDC, check out their website here, or give them a shout on Twitter.

PSST—by the way, ya still gotta feed these meters. 🙂

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Charging Up at the PHL Airport

CHARGEPOINTDid you recently make the switch to an electric vehicle (EV)? Good news for ya: You can now charge up during your travels at our Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) parking facilitiesfor free!

Here’s the scoop: In late 2015 we installed seven EV charging stations down at the PHL. Each station can charge two vehicles, which means 14 EVs can be juiced up while you’re parked during your travels. Use of the charging stations is currently free of charge. Keep in mind though: normal parking rates will still apply. Check out below for their locations:

Garage C, Level 1 : 2 charging stations

Garage D, Level 1 : 2 charging stations

Economy Lot, Near Toll Booths : 3 charging stations

The charging stations are maintained and operated by ChargePoint, the world’s largest EV charging network. And to make things even more convenient, their mobile app lets you know when charging stations are available and where they’re located.

So, if you’re an environmentally conscious frequent flyer, we’ve got you covered down at the PHL. Got questions? Get answers from our folks at airport customer service by calling 215-683-9840 or emailing We can also field questions through X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook!

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Parking Fails: Volume VII

Welp, here we are in 2016 and being able to park still seems like a foreign concept for some drivers. But then again, let’s not forget that it still makes for some good comedy, especially when you consider the gems in this edition of Parking Fails.


Parking Fail # 19Parking Fail #1

Not sure what part of the lines this driver didn’t see…

The only explanation for this abysmal park job is that the driver was a frantic shopper during a Black Friday sale — and even that’s a stretch.

Seriously though, with a seemingly open parking lot, this guy decides to park in literally the only place where you’re not allowed. After retaking their driving test, maybe they should contact an optometrist, too.


Parking Fail # 20Parking Fail #2

Driver: You mean to tell me this isn’t a reasonable place to park?

Fireman: Nope.

Driver: Okay, good to know. Now, if you would be so kind, get me outta here!

Let this one be a reminder that Grand Theft Auto (the videogame) shouldn’t be replicated in real life.


Parking Fail # 21Parking Fail #3

We don’t know the origins of this picture, but apparently the zombie apocalypse has finally arrived, so brace yourselves.

Kidding aside: it’s unclear what’s going on here because this is the definition of a parking free-for-all. Good luck to the drivers who are stuck in the middle of the pack.

Spot a parking fail? Send it our way on Twitter or Facebook! And remember, if you see an illegally parked car in an area that we patrol, call our communications line at 215-683-9775 and we’ll send someone out.

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#TBT: The Quest for Pierre Robert’s Lost Glasses

pierre robertIf you take a cab on the regular, there’s a chance you may have forgotten something and thought to yourself, “What the heck am I going to do?!

We get it — it happens. Luckily the folks at our Taxi Lost and Found team can help get you reunited with your lost item, big or small.

A few years ago, Philly’s Pierre Robert from 93.3 WMMR lost his glasses in a cab.

Pierre Robert TweetJust like many others, Robert was left thinking, “Welp, there’s nothing I can do. They’re lost forever.” Luckily he caught wind that our Taxi Lost and Found doesn’t mess around with cab complaints or lost and found issues. See for yourself here.

After Robert spoke with Donna Kerwick, our in-house taxi detective, Robert’s glasses were found shortly after. Leading up to that, we’re sure Robert’s pals, Preston and Steve, were probably thinking this. FYI — it’s an inside joke if you’re not an avid listener of WMMR.

After being reunited with his glasses, Robert expressed his gratitude on social media AND invited Donna onto his show!



You get the point: If you lost something in a cab, we want to help! So if you ever find yourself in the same situation Robert was in, here’s what to do:

Gather as much of the following information as you can:

  • Cab P # (located on rear bumper or behind driver-side seat)
  • Description of the lost item
  • Pick-up location
  • Drop-off location
  • Last four digits of credit card (if you used one to pay the fare)
  • Your contact information (email and phone number)

Take the above information and send it to:

  • Our Taxi and Limousine Division at:


Once you send the information along, just sit tight for a little and someone will get in touch with you!






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PPA Off-Street Parking Service Awards

Service AwardsIf you’ve ever parked in one of our garages, there’s a good chance you’ve chatted with someone from our off-street parking team.

A few weeks ago, our Director of Off-Street Parking Operations, Rocco Morrotto (a.k.a. Rocky), handed out service awards to our dedicated staff. If you don’t remember Rocky, he’s the one that looks like Fredo Corleone in our #TBT from a few months ago.

Anyway, this year 16 awards were dished out, including one for 30 years of service (Congrats, Lisa Brown)!

Service Awards 2Along with being honored for their years of service, awardees were also treated to some munchies in the PPA Boardroom.

Following handing out the awards, Rocky (a.k.a. Fredo) mentions, “It’s great to do this sort of thing every year. My staff works hard day-in and day-out and it’s great to get together and recognize their hard work and years of dedicated service.

So without further ado, let’s start the slow-clap for:

Lisa Brown                         Deputy Manager                             30 years

Jean Schuck                       Site Coordinator                            10 years

James Moiyallah          Asst. Site Coordinator                       10 years

Willie McGeachy                     Cashier                                      10 years

Sal Lancellotti           Deputy Operations Manager                10 years

Brenda Williams     Customer Service Representative       10 years

Del Wech                          Operations Manager                        10 years

Jalanda Small           Customer Service Representative      10 years

Samia Muktar           Customer Service Representative      10 years

Ryan Cain                 Customer Service Representative        5 years

                                                                                                  Millie Sloan               Customer Service Representative        5 years

                                                                                                  Kelly Sickel                                 Secretary                                 5 years

                                                                                                  Yolanda Johnson             Asst. Site Coordinator                     5 years

                                                                                                 Olivia Hardiman-Soltis           Site Coordinator                         5 years

                                                                                                  Lonna Evans              Customer Service Representative      5 years

While you’re here, check out the other great work the PPA staff has been recognized for over the years here.

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Parking Fails: Volume VI

It’s inevitable: When parking on a street or parking lot, you’re bound to come across a park job that leaves you feeling something like this.

You get the jist: Until every vehicle becomes self-driving, bad park jobs will be a daily occurrence.  Luckily for us, some of the park jobs make for some good comedy as you’ll see in this edition of Parking Fails.


Parking Fail #1

Let the debate begin: Who had first right to this parking spot?

The mini white car may have entered the spot first, but the win goes to the red car, for having the way cooler upper hand.

On a side note: Even if the driver of the white car won first dibs, they’re still way out of bounds.


Parking Fail # 17Parking Fail #2

This guy obviously plays a little too much Tetris if you ask us.

On the surface, this seems like a pristine park job, right? One issue though: How the heck is this guy going to get out of his spot?

Our guess is he probably had to play the good ol’ waiting game until one of the other cars moved; an admirable sacrifice to remain Tetris champion of the world.

Parking Fail # 18Parking Fail #3

Yo Bruce, you might have the authority to beat criminals to a pulp, but could you at least park within the lines?

Actually… nevermind, bud. Just do your thing. We’ve seen what you’re capable of. Nobody wants to be on the receiving end of this.

Come across a parking fail? Send it our way on Twitter or Facebook! Also, if you see an illegally parked car in an area that we patrol, call our communications line at 215-683-9775 and we’ll send someone to take a look.


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Parking Fails: Volume V

From retail aisles to fast food parking lots, people are still finding interesting ways to park — and they’re not pretty. If our past versions of parking fails show us anything, it’s that despite going through driving school and getting a license, drivers still forget how to properly park.

Okay, maybe we’re being a bit harsh, but these gems are still worth breaking down.


Parking Fail # 13Parking Fail #1

Clean up in aisle seven!

This guy took the term “drive through” literally. It doesn’t look like anyone got hurt, but if they did, at least they wound up in the first aid aisle.

As for the damage to the rear bumper: Car parts are probably a few aisles over.

Alright, so maybe this guy didn’t really mean to park there. Either way, let this be a reminder that gas is on the right and break is on left.



 Parking Fail # 14  Parking Fail #2

Okay, we know KFC is finger lickin good, but really?

KFC, if you’re reading, this is some good advertising material. Your food is so darn good your customers forget how to park.

Seriously though: Were these guys so fixated on getting their four piece chicken leg meal that common sense went out the window? Either way, this is probably the most expensive fast food outing they’ve ever had — if you include the tow fee.


Parking Fail # 15Parking Fail #3

Need another reason not to park in front of a fire hydrant? See Exhibit A to the left.

Not only could you get a ticket, you could lose two car windows in the process. Sure, the firefighters could have waited for a tow truck, but they ain’t got time for dat, especially with a blazing fire across the street.

Kudos to the firefighters for doing what they had to do, but you can’t help but wonder what the driver thought when returning to their car.

Did you spot a parking fail? Send it our way on Twitter or Facebook! Better yet: If you see an illegally parked car in an area that we patrol, call our communications line at 215-683-9775 and we’ll send someone to check it out.

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#TBT: Center City AutoPark

#TBT AutoPark Center City 2For this month’s Throwback Thursday, we’re heading back to 1992 and taking another look at the grand opening of our AutoPark in Center City.

Nowadays if you head down to 1503 Arch St., you’ll notice our brand new Family Courthouse parking garage. But in 1992 at the same location, we opened the gates to our brand spankin’ new AutoPark in Center City.

For nearly 18 years, the AutoPark was constantly packed with vehicles, most of them from city workers. In fact, before 1503 Arch St. was a parking lot, it also housed Acme’s local headquarters.

#TBT Center City AutoPark 2Twenty-three years have passed since the grand opening — and a lot has changed. Think of it this way: In 1992, Rich Kotite was the Eagles head coach and owned by Norman Braman. Sadly, one thing still hasn’t changed: the Eagles still haven’t won a Super Bowl. But the complete transformation of 1503 Arch over the years reminds us of  Chip Kelly’s transformation of the Eagles!

Welp — now we’re in 2015 with a new parking garage and revamped Eagles squad. Who knows? Maybe 23 years from now, 1503 Arch St. will house flying cars and the Eagles will have a Super Bowl win under their belt.

Go get em’, Eagles!



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PPA Payment Plan Primer

Payment PlanWhen you think of payment plans, you probably think of paying off your student loans, mortgage, or car loans, right? But did you know payment plans are also offered for parking tickets?

We know—being on a payment plan for a parking ticket probably isn’t exactly the most riveting thing to be enrolled in, but we at least want everyone to know the option is there.

Here’s the lowdown—if you’d like to enroll in a payment plan for parking tickets, visit our Parking Violations Branch at 913 Filbert Street, or call 1-888-591-3636. From there, one of our customer service representatives can check to see if you’re eligible.

In general, the amount owed must be over $125 and the minimum monthly payment is $20 with a maximum term of 12 months.

If you’re eligible to be on a payment plan, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • All open tickets (unpaid tickets or tickets not currently scheduled for a hearing) must be enrolled.
  • A 25% down payment is required, except if your vehicle is currently booted/ towed.
  • If your vehicle is currently booted/towed, or there is a previously defaulted payment plan, a 50% down payment will be required.

Note: Automatic payments will cease on August 31st, 2019. Beginning with your September 2019 payment, you will become responsible for making your monthly payment by one of four methods:

  • Pay online at
  • Pay by phone at 1-888-591-3636.
  • Pay in person at 913 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. Operating  hours are Monday – Friday 8 AM – 6 PM and Saturday 9 AM – 1 PM.
  • If offered, set up up automated payments through your bank which will offer you the same convenience and will ensure that you do not miss a payment.

Any questions? A customer service representative can be reached at 1-888-591-3636, or we can field your questions on X (formerly Twitter) or Facebook. Also—if you’re already enrolled in a payment plan, you can check the status here. Just make sure you have your plan number handy.

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