AuthorPPA Staff

HomeArticles Posted by PPA Staff (Page 23)

Thank You to All PPA Employees

Dear Team,

I want to extend my sincere thanks and best wishes to all PPA employees. This year has been one that we could not have imagined. The COVID-19 pandemic brought uncertainty, devastation, and many hardships to our economy and our families. However, through it all, each of you has remained focused on our mission. I am thankful that we can reflect and be encouraged by the strength of our team.

As we navigate this challenging year, one word describes the PPA staff – resilient.  Individually and collectively, you stood up to the unpredictable trials and challenges. As a result, the PPA family is stronger and better as we provide essential support to the City of Philadelphia during a time of overwhelming challenge. 

Despite the unpredictable challenges we faced this year, there have been multiple bright spots. Through your resilience, teamwork, and unparalleled dedication to our mission, the PPA has received many notable awards and distinctions including:

  • Accredited Parking Organization with Distinction by IPMI
  • 2020 Parking Organization of the Year by IPMI
  • 2020 Professional Excellence Award by IPMI – Corrine O’Connor, Deputy Executive Director 
  • 2020 Marketing & Communications Award by IPMI
  • 2020 Leadership Award by GovTech Magazine – Rick Dickson, Deputy Executive Director 
  • 2020 Operations Award by Govtech Magazine
  • Woman of the Year Award  from Women’s Transportation Seminar – Clarena Tolson, Deputy Executive Director 
  • Technology Innovation for Citizens Award by GovTech Magazine
  • Outstanding Agency Accreditation Award from the National Institute for Government Purchasing
  • Premier Rated Garage Facilities from IPMI

I applaud each and every one for your sacrifice and hard work. The PPA would not be who we are without you. I am excited to transition to 2021 and look forward to further fulfilling our mission in a prosperous way. Sincerely and humbly, I wish you a peaceful and healthy new year.

 Kindest Regards,

Scott Petri

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2021 Board Meeting Schedule


Tuesday, January 19th

Tuesday, February 23rd

Tuesday, March 30th

Tuesday, April 20th

Tuesday, May 25th

Tuesday, June 22nd

Tuesday, July 20th

Tuesday, August 24th

Tuesday, September 21st

Tuesday, October 19th

Tuesday, November 16th

Tuesday, December 14th

Regular Board Meetings are scheduled for 10:00 AM in the Executive Office Board Room of the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s headquarters, located on the fifth floor of 701 Market Street, Suite 5400, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Any changes to this schedule will be publicly advertised.

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IPMI Marketing & Communications Award – 2020

The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) in Pennsylvania has increased its digital presence through the robust use of informative video content and a new podcast. PPA was looking for ways to adapt its digital content to tell the organization’s brand story better while increasing its social media following. The PPA already had an established library of informative and engaging content across several channels; this included imagery, blogs, motion graphics, limited video content, and infographics.

The PPA plays a vital role in contributing to Philadelphia’s economic vitality while also improving its residents’ and visitors’ quality of life. However, by effectively enforcing on-street parking, the PPA had a stigma that its sole purpose was to issue parking tickets. By analyzing social media data, the PPA determined who its audience was and created new video and podcast content to serve them. The PPA used social media targeting tools to reach its intended audience, targeting those ages 25–55 who lived within a 25-mile radius of Philadelphia.

Since the launch of the videos and podcast in January 2019, the PPA social media following has grown by more than 3,800 followers or a 15 percent increase. The content has had more than 1.6 million impressions and over 44,000 social media engagements since the launch.


Read the full article here. 

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Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, December 15 ,2020

Due to the public health impact and concerns of the COVID-19 outbreak and in light of recommendations by public health officials, the Authority’s Regular Board Meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, December 15, 2020, will take place via GoToWebinar. You may register to virtually attend the Board Meeting by clicking Here

Public comment will be accepted and considered. Anyone wishing to submit a comment for the December Regular Board Meeting via GoToWebinar can do so by emailing Kelly Quinn at [email protected]. All such emails and requests must be received by Ms. Quinn on or before December 14, 2020 to be considered for the meeting.

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Employee Work Schedule Update

Consistent with direction from the City, PPA staff will continue their current work schedules until January 4, 2021 (or further notice based upon version selected). Staff working on A/B schedules should continue to do so. Those that are working from home will continue to do so as well.  Due to operational needs, supervisors may modify individual schedules, as required.  Your supervisor is available to answer your operational concerns. Please continue to follow all telecommuting policies regarding time and work product.   

Should you have a COVID related question, please contact Michel Fortino at [email protected]. Monitor our employee section of the website and your email for details and updates. Stay safe and healthy. We are thankful for our employees and all that you do to support our mission.   

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Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 17,2020

*Due to the public health impact and concerns of the COVID-19 outbreak and in light of recommendations by public health officials, the Authority’s Regular Board Meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 17, 2020, will take place via GoToWebinar. You may register to virtually attend the Board Meeting by clicking Here

Public comment will be accepted and considered. Anyone wishing to submit a comment for the November Regular Board Meeting via GoToWebinar can do so by emailing Kelly Quinn at [email protected]. All such emails and requests must be received by Ms. Quinn on or before November 16, 2020 to be considered for the meeting.

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