Please see below letter from James Walker.
House bills
October 2014 Fuel Surcharge Notice
On August 5, 2014, the Philadelphia Parking Authority Board issued an Order directing the Taxicab and Limousine Division ("TLD") to administer the sale of 46 Philadelphia taxicab medallions, each of which are designated as wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) taxicab medallions.
Notice of this Order was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on
Alliance Taxi Dispatch Company CC 2014
September 2014 Fuel Surcharge Notice
Estate of Francis Berenato , Stock Transfer 100%
Metu, Inc. Medallion Transfer
Tahop Taxi, Inc. Medallion Transfer
Urmila T Devi, Stock Transfer 100%
Notice to All Interested Parties:
Philadelphia Parking Authority Regulation #126-8 (IRRC #3048) Taxicab Safety Cameras, was unanimously approved by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission on July 24, 2014. While this regulation awaits final approval from the remaining regulatory bodies involved, the Authority encourages taxicab owners to become familiar with the terms