Ticket Information
The Philadelphia Parking Authority offers four ways to pay parking tickets so that you can choose the method that is most convenient for you.
To learn more about parking violations, visit our Laws and Enforcement page.
Motorcycle & Scooter Parking
As motorcycles and scooters add to the diverse transportation system in Philadelphia, the PPA will continue working to provide sufficient access and safety for all commuters. Please see below for additional details on parking your scooter or motorcycle in Philadelphia.
Virtual Permits:
The PPA offers virtual permits for scooter and
Contractor Parking Permit
A Contractor Parking Permit is only used to perform a contractor service. This program was established to enable licensed contractors to access their vehicles during the workday to retrieve materials and tools.
Contractor vehicles may park in metered and timed parking zones without limit.
Apply for a Contractor Parking Permit
Parking for People With Disabilities
The PPA administers a program which establishes reserved parking zones at the residences of people with disabilities.
Apply for a Disabled Persons Parking Sign
Mail your completed form to:
Philadelphia Parking Authority
Attn: Reserved Residential Parking for People with Disabilities
701 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
If you have any questions or to
Residential Parking Permits
Residents in eligible areas can purchase parking permits that exempt them from meter and time limit restrictions on posted blocks. These permits assist residents in finding parking spaces near their homes, enhancing the quality of life in residential areas with insufficient on-street parking, such as those adjacent to
Permit Information
The Philadelphia Parking Authority is dedicated to accommodating the particular parking needs and uses of the city’s business and residential areas.
We administer several parking permit programs that address specific local needs and maximize parking opportunities – thus improving quality of life for all of us who live, work, and
The TLD Customer Service Window normal hours of operation are from 9a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1-4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Notice to all Industry Members
All applicants for driver certification must be able to sufficiently speak in the English language to communicate with the general public, to understand highway traffic signs