AuthorTaxicab and Limousine Division

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A Message from PPA-TLD

To All Interested Parties:

Please be advised that Michael Casey has been reassigned to the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s (“Authority”) Legal Department.  The Authority’s Executive Director has designated Christine Kirlin as the new Director of the Taxicab and Limousine Division (“TLD”).  Therefore, all inquiries and filings that are normally served upon the TLD Director’s office and/or required by the Act, regulations or orders of the Authority, are now to be forwarded to:

Christine A. Kirlin, Esq.
Taxicab and Limousine Division
2415 S. Swanson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
T (215) 683-9653
F (215) 683-9437
[email protected]

An updated TLD Directory may be obtained on the TLD’s website at

New Schedule of Sales of WAV Medallions – REMINDER

Reminder Notice to All Interested Parties:

On March 31, 2017, the Philadelphia Parking Authority Board issued an Order entered at Docket No. 17-003 authorizing the Taxicab and Limousine Division (“TLD”) to administer the sale of 61 wheelchair accessible vehicle (“WAV”) medallions beginning on June 21, 2017 with new directives as outlined.  The Sale Order may be downloaded here: Docket No. 17-003 Order.  Notice of this Order was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on April 15, 2017.  Please also refer to TLD Regulations 52 Pa. Code §§ 1013.31 – 1013.37 (relating to medallion sales by the Authority).

Also, Form No. MA-1 “Bid Cover” must be submitted by a bidder in its sealed bid in accordance with TLD regulations on the dates and times outlined in the Order, along with all of the required supporting documentation.  Lastly, if a proposed bidder does not currently own a medallion taxicab certificate of public convenience (“CPC”), that person must file Form No. SA-1 “Sale Application” to apply for a medallion taxicab CPC no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled bid date to qualify as an eligible bidder for the WAV medallion sales.  See 52 Pa. Code § 1027.6 (relating to application for sale of transferable rights).  For example, SA-1 applications for proposed bidders to participate in the June 21, 2017 sale must be filed no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, May 22, 2017.  Forms MA-1 and SA-1 may be obtained on the TLD’s website at

If you have any questions concerning the medallion sale process, please contact TLD’s Administrative Counsel Christine Kirlin, Esq. at (215) 683-9653 or at [email protected].

NFL DRAFT – Taxicabs and TNCs

The Philadelphia Office of Special Events has advised the Taxicab and Limousine Division of the following arrangements for taxicab and TNC drivers servicing the NFL Draft event on the Parkway as follows:
Taxicab and Transportation Network Company (“TNC”) operators are directed to stage and queue on the north side of Spring Garden Street between 22nd Street and 17th Street in the westbound parking lane.  The Philadelphia Police Department will regulate the flow of taxicab and TNC traffic westbound onto Pennsylvania Avenue as conditions permit.  Once fares are picked up, vehicles may then continue westbound on Pennsylvania Avenue out of the area or turn around at 25th Street and exit the area eastbound via Spring Garden Street or Pennsylvania Avenue.  Taxicab and TNC operators are directed to use the dedicated queue lane and not obstruct the lane.  Philadelphia Police will enforce applicable laws and regulations relating to double parking, blocking of intersections and the unsafe operation of motor vehicles.

Download Notice Here: Enforcement Bulletin NFL Draft 4.26.17


Michael Casey, Director

Taxicab and Limousine Division