AuthorPPA Staff

HomeArticles Posted by PPA Staff (Page 44)

#TBT : AutoPark at the Gallery

#TBT AutoPark at the Gallery MallIf you’ve ever visited Chinatown or have gone shopping at The Gallery, you’ve more than likely gotten a glimpse of our  AutoPark at the Gallery Mall, which is the subject of this month’s #TBT!

Located at 44 North 9th Street, the AutoPark at the Gallery Mall houses 850 parking spaces and is only blocks away from Philly’s renowned Reading Terminal Market. Between Reading Terminal Market and Chinatown, you’re parking in a main hub for amazing Philly delicacies.

So after you’re done stuffing your faces, you can take the five minute stroll to the Convention Center or get shopping done at The Gallery. Either way — your car will be safe, sound and awaiting your return.

Let’s take a look into the past. The picture above is an artist’s sketch of the AutoPark at Gallery Mall from 1960. The garage itself was designed by architectural firm, Henry D. Dagit P. C. They clearly did a great job because it’s standing strong and will be for years to come!

Once again, Margery Sly, Director of the Special Collections Research Center at Temple University, is allowing us to share this gem of a picture.



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Signs Explained: Reserved Parking for Disabled Persons

SignsSigns: they’re everywhere, both figuratively and literally. Sometimes if you don’t read those signs, consequences will ensue. When it comes to parking, reading and understanding a sign is the difference between getting a parking ticket and remaining ticketless.

The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) would rather prevent parking tickets instead of issuing them. But when our Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs) are walking their beats and come across an illegally parked vehicle, it’s their job to issue a ticket.

Since knowledge always leads to understanding, we’re continuing our “Signs Explained” blog series. Before getting a run-down on the sign pictured to the left, check out this video tutorial from our friends at VisitPhilly and check out our violations page on our new website!

Here’s the breakdown of the sign pictured:

At the top of the sign, the red arrow pointing to the left is a No Stopping Any Time regulation. If a vehicle parks, sits or even stages in a No Stopping Zone, the vehicle could be cited immediately. This means if you stop for just a second to unload groceries or even pick someone up, you could be immediately ticketed.

The green arrow, pointing to the right with its designated times and disabled person symbol, indicates the space is a reserved parking space only for those with a disabled person license plate or disabled person placard . The times indicates the longest amount of time a vehicle can pay and park there. In this case, a vehicle can park for one hour between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and three hours from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Sunday. Remember though — this spot is reserved for those with physical disabilities. If you park here and don’t have a disability placard or plate, you’ll receive a $301 fine.

So there’s another run-down on one of our signs. If you come across one that’s hard to understand, send us the picture on Twitter or Facebook and we’ll get you squared away.

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Temporarily Prohibit Parking While Moving

truckCabMoving is an exciting experience, but at the same time, it can be dreadful. Sure, it’s thrilling to move into a new environment, but lugging heavy furniture for hours on end isn’t one of life’s highlights. Combine that with the inevitable banging into walls, denting of furniture and of course, figuring out how the heck you’re going to arrange your furniture. But one thing that’s often overlooked while moving is — you guessed it — parking.

Nothing could put a bigger dent in your move than a lack of convenient parking, preferably in front of your new home. You could go on a wild-goose chase for a parking spot blocks away. Or you can temporarily prohibit parking in front of your home, making your move as seamless as possible.

So if you’re planning a move and need convenient parking, contact the Streets Department’s Right of Way Unit at least three business days (72 hours) before your move. Keep in mind: requests made less than three business days before moving will not be processed. There’s also a permit fee of $25 per 40 feet of space (40 feet equals two parking spaces). Requests for moving trucks can be submitted here.

Now you have one less thing to worry about during your move. If you have any questions, get in touch with us through Twitter or Facebook — we’ll move you in the right direction.

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RFP # 14-16 Barrier Gates at Philadelphia International Airport

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified vendors to furnish Barrier Gates at the Philadelphia International Airport . The sole contact at the Authority shall be Mary Wheeler, Contracts Manager, 701 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or email at [email protected] 

RFP No. 14-16 Notice to Proposers

RFP No. 14-16 Barrier Gates at Airport

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RFP # 14-15 Managed Print Services

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified vendors to provide Managed Print Services. The sole contact at the Authority shall be Mary Wheeler, Contracts Manager, 701 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or email at [email protected] 

14-15 Notice to Proposers

RFP 14-15 Managed Print Services


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#TBT Olde City AutoPark

#TBT Old City AutoParkWhen you think Old City, a lot of things come to mind. If you’re a tourist, you might think of all the historic sites such as Independence Hall or the Liberty Bell. If you’re an art fan, you might flock to Old City for First Friday, a monthly event which showcases one-of-a-kind art from local artists.

In other words — Old City has something for everyone. Its lively and vibrant culture adds to its reputation of being America’s most historic square mile.

But here lies the question, “Where should I park in Old City?” Well, our aptly named Old City AutoPark offers convenient parking for all tourists, commuters and art fans. Located at 2nd and Sansom Streets, you’re only a few blocks away from taking in Old City’s history and robust art scene.

Speaking of art: for this month’s #TBT, we found this artist’s 1977 sketch of our Old City AutoPark. Though construction was complete in the 1980’s, this sketch offered a near perfect glimpse of what to expect.

Once again, we’d like to thank Margery Sly, Director of the Special Collections Research Center at Temple University, for allowing us to share this piece of PPA history.


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RFP # 14-14 Immobilization Equipment

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified vendors to provide Vehicle Immobilization Equipment (Boots). The sole contact at the Authority shall be Michael McKeown, Contracts Manager, 701 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or email at [email protected] 

For more information, please see below:


14-14 Notice to Proposers


RFP 14-14 Immobilization Equipment

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RFP # 14-13 Traffic Engineering Shuttle Bus Service Study Economy Parking Lot Philadelphia International Airport

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified engineering firms to perform professional services for a study of the shuttle bus service to the Economy Lot. The sole contact at the Authority shall be Michael McKeown, Contracts Manager, 701 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or email at [email protected] 

For more information, please see below:

14-13 Notice to Proposers_1

RFP 14-13 Traffic Study of Economy Lot 12-9-14 final

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RFP # 14-11 Civil Engineering Repairs to the Storm Water Drainage System Economy Parking Lot Philadelphia International Airport

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified vendors in order to repair  the Storm Water Drainage System in the Economy Parking Lot at the Philadelphia International Airport. The sole contact at the Authority shall be Michael McKeown, Contracts Manager, 701 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or email at [email protected] 

For more information, please see below:

14-11 Notice to Proposers

RFP 14-11 Economy Lot Drainage Repairs 12 9 14

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RFP 14-10.2 Replace Two Elevators (Reissue)

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified vendors in order to procure Mechanical and Engineering Services to Replace Two Elevators at our Olde City AutoPark Garage. The sole contact at the Authority shall be Michael McKeown, Contracts Manager, 701 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or email at [email protected] 

For more information, please see below:

RFP 14-10.2 Replace Two Elevators 12 5 14

RFP #14-10.2 Notice to Proposers (REISSUE)

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