June 2022: Regular Board Meeting
Due to the public health impact and concerns of the COVID-19 outbreak and in light of recommendations by public health officials, the Authority’s Regular Board Meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m., on June 28, 2022, offers both in-person or virtual attendance via Microsoft Teams webinar. You may register to attend the Board meeting virtually Here.
Public comment will be accepted and considered. Anyone wishing to make comment at the June Regular Board Meeting must contact Lauren Gallen at [email protected]. All such emails and requests must be received by Ms. Gallen on or before June 27, 2022, to be considered for the meeting.
May 2022: Regular Board Meeting
On Tuesday, May 24th, 2022, the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Board met for a special board meeting.
The meeting agenda, along with the Board approved motions, can be found here.
PPA Announces Bike Lane Enforcement Initiative
(PHILADELPHIA) – Citing 41 deaths and over 135 injuries since 2011, Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) Deputy Executive Director Corinne O’Connor announced the PPA’s new Bicycle Lane Enforcement Initiative, which calls for the targeted assignment of 8 new bike lane enforcement officers to focus exclusively on enforcing bike lane regulations in several city neighborhoods.
“Since 2011, 41 bicyclists have been killed riding our city streets. 135 have been injured during this same period. Cyclists are an integral part of Philadelphia’s transportation ecosystem, and we must protect them while providing safe and equal access to our city streets,” O’Connor said.
“Blocking a bike lane with a parked car is dangerous, and the PPA will issue tickets to vehicles that illegally park in bike lanes. We hope to have all eight bike lane enforcement officers on the street by the fall,” she said.
Through increased enforcement, the PPA has issued over 25,700 bike lane violations since 2014. “While our enforcement efforts aim to encourage compliance with our bike lane regulations, the staggering number of violations speaks to the need that more enforcement action is required,” O’Connor said.
The new bike lane enforcement officers will patrol and issue tickets for any illegally parked vehicles that block bike lanes in Center City, University City, and South Philadelphia.
O’Connor credited the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia for their “vigilance and hard work in protecting bicyclists and moving the city’s Vision Zero goals closer to reality.”
Commenting on the PPA’s new Bike Lane Enforcement Initiative, Sarah Stuart of the Bicycle Coalition of Great Philadelphia said, “We are very excited and relieved to see the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s program get underway. Many of Philadelphia’s unprotected bike lanes are chronically encroached upon by drivers who park or stand with impunity. A team of enforcement officers on bikes will be able to efficiently and sustainably keep bike lanes clear and safe for the bicyclists they were designed and built for.”
“It is our hope this enhanced enforcement effort will encourage compliance with bike lane regulations and keep our bike lanes clear and free of parked vehicles,” O’Connor concluded.
April 2022: Special Board Meeting
On Tuesday, April 26, 2022, the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Board met for a special board meeting.
The meeting agenda, along with the Board approved motions, can be found here.
2022 Vision Zero Conference Media Kit
To download the 2022 Vision Zero Conference Media Kit, please click the link below.
2022 Vision Zero Conference Media Kit
Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 26th
Due to the public health impact and concerns of the COVID-19 outbreak and in light of recommendations by public health officials, the Authority’s Regular Board Meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m. April 26, 2022 offers virtual attendance via GoToWebinar. You may register to attend the Board meeting virtually Here.
Public comment will be accepted and considered. Anyone wishing to make comment at the April Regular Board Meeting via GoToWebinar must contact Kelly Quinn at [email protected]. All such emails and requests must be received by Ms. Quinn on or before April 25, 2022 to be considered for the meeting.
Regular Board Meetings are scheduled for 10:00 AM in the Executive Office Board Room of the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s headquarters, located on the fifth floor of 701 Market Street, Suite 5400, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Any changes to this schedule will be publicly advertised.
March 2022: Special Board Meeting
On Monday, March 28, 2022, the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Board met for a special board meeting.
The meeting agenda along with the Board approved motions can be found here.
Unprocessed & Lost Ticket Information
Lose Your Ticket?
Need an Outstanding Balance?
After 15 days from a ticket being issued, and no payment is made or dispute submitted, a request is sent to the appropriate department of motor vehicles for the name and address of the registered owner. Once that is obtained, a “Notice of Violation” is mailed to the registered owner, which gives them ten (10) more days to pay or dispute the ticket before penalties are added.
If you have lost your ticket and notice and can verify you are the registered owner of the vehicle, you can contact us through one of the following options:
- Phone: 1-888-591-3636
- Online Form:
- Social Media: @Philaparking
NOTE: When contacting us, please have your license plate number and proof of vehicle registration readily available.
Can’t Find A Ticket In Our System?
If a ticket isn’t showing in our customer service portal as you attempt to pay or dispute, it may have been a “handwritten ticket,” as pictured above.
Generally speaking, handwritten parking tickets by other ticket issuing authorities take a bit longer to process as it depends on when the issuing officer turns it in for processing. If your ticket is not showing in our customer service portal, we recommend checking back at a later date and time to confirm when the ticket has been processed. From there, you’ll be able to either make a payment or dispute the ticket.
Please be aware that the time frame in which late penalties are applied does not go into effect until the ticket is processed into our customer service portal. Notices are also sent to the registered address of the vehicle before late penalties are applied.