On January 17, 2023, the Philadelphia Parking Authority (“Authority”) approved, through attached Authority Order No. 22-002, the recommendation of the Taxicab and Limousine Division (“TLD”) to change the current taxicab tariff by approving a rate change, outside of the approved taxicab tariff and meter system, for medallion taxicab trips in Philadelphia.
Effective February 6, 2023, the current taxicab tariff is to be amended as follows:
1. The Flat Rate from the Center City Zone to the Airport is $32.00 per one-way trip regardless of the number of passengers;
2. The Flat Rate from the Airport to the Center City Zone is $32.00 per one-way trip for one (1) passenger. A $1.00 per passenger surcharge for each additional passenger after the first will be added to the meter after the flat rate fee is engaged on the meter by the driver after leaving the Airport. This applies only to passengers over the age of twelve (12). If the trip necessitates a drop-off at more than one destination in the Center City Zone, the following applies: the flat rate and all additional per-passenger surcharges of $1.00 each are to be collected upon departure of the first passenger in the Center City Zone. The driver will then reset the meter, initiating a new flag drop using the standard meter rates for each of the remaining passengers if each requires a separate drop-off.
3. The minimum fare that will include the egress fee for any trip starting at an Airport taxicab stand shall be $12.00.