Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – Transportation Network Companies
Notice to All Interested Parties:
On November 4, 2016, the Pennsylvania General Assembly and Governor Wolf passed legislation, known as Act 164, which legalized the services provided by Transportation Network Companies (“TNC”), such as Uber and Lyft, to operate in Philadelphia under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Philadelphia Parking Authority (“Authority”). See 53 Pa.C.S. Chapter 57A (relating to transportation network companies).
While Act 164 provides a substantive framework as to the requirements for the regulation and enforcement of TNCs in Philadelphia, Act 164 empowers the Authority to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to govern the regulation of TNCs. Toward this end, the Authority’s Taxicab and Limousine Division (“TLD”) is initiating this Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Therefore, the TLD is now seeking information and comment from the public at large, members of the taxicab, limousine, dispatcher and TNC industries, prospective and current technology vendors and any other interested parties regarding suggestions as to the language requirements of any proposed TNC regulation. Comments should include specific section references to 53 Pa.C.S. Chapter 57A and should also delineate the rationale for the proposed regulation as well as specific proposed language for the regulations. Please be advised that proposed rulemaking must be consistent with Act 164.
The TLD will hold a public comment hearing on Thursday, August 31, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the I.A.T.S.E. Ballroom, located at 2401 Swanson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148 (next to TLD Headquarters). You may download here the Authority’s public meeting participation policy, which lists several rules and guidelines: Download Participation Policy. We would appreciate your compliance when contributing your comments at the hearing on August 31, 2017.
Due to the comprehensive nature of this rulemaking, interested parties will be given sixty (60) days from the date of publication of the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, which is no later than September 27, 2017. All written comments must be submitted to the attention of Christine A. Kirlin, Esq., TLD Director, at [email protected] or by mail to: Philadelphia Parking Authority, Taxicab and Limousine Division, 2415 S. Swanson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148.
Thank you for your input during this important endeavor.
Christine A. Kirlin, Esq.
Taxicab and Limousine Division