Category : TLD News and Updates

HomeArchive by Category TLD News and Updates (Page 47)

Reminder – Public Comment Hearing Regarding Proposed WAV Taxicab and Medallion Sale Regulations – 2/12/14

The Philadelphia Parking Authority Taxicab and Limousine Division seeks information and comment from the public at large, prospective vendors of associated equipment and the industry concerning Proposed Rulemaking Order 126-5 which will establish mandatory requirements for the operation of medallion taxicabs restricted to wheelchair accessible taxicab service. Comment will also be
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To all concerned parties:

The Board of the Philadelphia Parking Authority, at its regular meeting on 9/25/13, issued the attached Order and proposed regulations related to the sale of taxicab medallions. This proposed rulemaking will proceed through the standard state agency regulatory promulgation process. All interested parties will be afforded the opportunity to provide
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