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Final-Form Rulemaking Order 126-12 Philadelphia Taxicab Safety Cameras (Transmission Requirement)

Notice to All Interested Parties:

Please see the attached Final-Form Rulemaking Order below issued by the Philadelphia Parking Authority at its regular meeting today, November 24, 2015 at Docket No. 126-12 concerning the removal of the taxicab safety camera image transmission requirement. This regulation was proposed by the Authority at this docket number on June 25, 2015, the public comment period concluded on October 19, 2015 and, after review, the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (“IRRC”) did not have any comments, objections or recommendations to offer on the proposed rulemaking. This final-form regulation will proceed to the Legislative standing committees and IRRC for consideration.

126-12 Taxicab Safety Cameras (Transmission) Final Form Order 11.24.15

James R. Ney, Director
Taxicab & Limousine Division
Philadelphia Parking Authority
2415 S. Swanson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
T 215-683-9417
F 215-683-9437
E-Mail [email protected]

Taxicab Safety Camera Inspection Schedule

Notice To All Interested Parties:

Attached here please find the “Taxicab Safety Camera Compliance Inspection” schedule (Download).  Taxicab Safety Camera inspections will commence on Monday, October 19, 2015 beginning at 7:00 a.m. Each listed taxicab will be required to appear for this inspection at the TLD inspection garage on the date and time indicated on the schedule. If your approved safety camera system has been ordered, but not yet installed, the medallion owner should appear at TLD Headquarters with evidence that an approved safety camera system has been purchased (sales agreement and proof of payment). Only under those circumstances will a taxicab inspection be rescheduled without a penalty.

Additionally, taxicabs presented for the semiannual state and/or compliance inspection (per 52 Pa. Code§ 1017.31) will be required to be in full compliance with 52 Pa. Code § 1017.71 (relating to taxicab safety cameras).

Also an updated list of the Approved Safety Camera Vendors to secure compliant safety camera systems, which is posted on this website under the “Resources and Forms” tab.  As previously advised, Verifeye, Inc. has been removed from this list. To date, Verifeye has not received any orders for a camera system. Therefore, the removal of Verifeye as an approved vendor should not delay any taxicab owner from adhering to the Authority’s safety camera installation deadline of October 15, 2015.

For those taxicab owners that have successfully placed an order for a safety camera system, a date for installation should be provided to you soon by the vendor, if it hasn’t been issued already. For all other taxicab owners, you are urged to place an order immediately for a compliant taxicab safety camera system to ensure compliance with the installation date of October 15, 2015 to avoid any penalties.

Questions concerning taxicab safety camera systems may be directed to Lance Lepchuk at (215) 683-9656 or [email protected].

Questions concerning the taxicab safety camera inspection schedule may be directed to Stephanie DeJesse at (215) 683-9785 [email protected]

James R. Ney, Director
Taxicab & Limousine Division
Philadelphia Parking Authority
2415 S. Swanson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
T 215-683-9417
F 215-683-9437
E-Mail [email protected]


Reminder Notice of Public Comment Hearing

Reminder Notice to all Interested Parties:

The Philadelphia Parking Authority Taxicab and Limousine Division seeks information and comment from the public at large, prospective vendors of associated equipment and the industry concerning Proposed Rulemaking Order 126-11 “Modern Taxicab Standards” which will require all vehicles proposed for medallion taxicab service after a designated date to be wheelchair accessible and otherwise comply with the Authority’s regulations, including vehicle age and mileage requirements. Similar requirements will apply to partial-rights taxicabs.

The Proposed Rulemaking was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on June 13, 2015 and is attached here for your convenience (Download).  Further information may be obtained on IRRC’s website at

We request that all comments that are to be presented at the hearing also be submitted in writing either before or at the hearing to the attention of Christine Kirlin, Esq., Administrative Counsel, at [email protected] or by mail: Philadelphia Parking Authority Taxicab and Limousine Division, 2415 S. Swanson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148-4113.

The hearing will be held on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 from 10 AM to 12 PM at the Independence Visitor Center, Liberty View Ballroom, 2nd Floor, at 1 N. Independence Mall West, 6th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Also attached here is the Authority’s Participation Policy (Download).

Please call Stephanie DeJesse at (215) 683-9785 with any questions.

We very much appreciate your input concerning this important endeavor.

James R. Ney, Director
Taxicab & Limousine Division
Philadelphia Parking Authority
2415 S. Swanson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
T 215-683-9417
F 215-683-9437
E-Mail [email protected]