To All Interested Parties:
On July 9, 2016, notice was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of the Philadelphia Parking Authority's Board Order No. 16-001 ("Authority Order") directing the Taxicab and Limousine Division ("TLD") to administer the sale of 41 Philadelphia taxicab medallions, each of which are designated as wheelchair accessible vehicle
In a statement announced on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s (PPA) Deputy Executive Director Corinne O’Connor said “While we understand that TNC services (Uber-X and Lyft) are very popular with the public and many elected officials want to see them continue, with the expiration of Act 85
Rights Applications Completed - September 2016
To All Interested Parties:
On July 9, 2016, notice was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of the Philadelphia Parking Authority's Board Order No. 16-001 ("Authority Order") directing the Taxicab and Limousine Division ("TLD") to administer the sale of 41 Philadelphia taxicab medallions, each of which are designated as wheelchair accessible vehicle
Executive Order No. 16-009
Notice to All Interested Parties:
On July 13, 2016, the Pennsylvania General Assembly and Governor Wolf passed legislation, known as Act 85, which temporarily authorizes Transportation Network Companies ("TNC") to operate in Philadelphia under the regulatory oversight of the Philadelphia Parking Authority ("Authority").
The Taxicab and Limousine Division ("TLD") of the Authority
October 2016 Fuel Surcharge Notice
Effective September 13, 2016, upon petition, the Taxicab and Limousine Division ("TLD") has waived regulation 52 Pa. Code § 1011.4 (b) by allowing an eligible dispatcher certificate holder to pay its Fiscal Year 2017 annual assessment in two equal installments. Attached is the TLD's Order outlining
Rights Applications Completed - August 2016
Effective September 2, 2016, upon petition, the Taxicab and Limousine Division ("TLD") waived regulation 52 Pa. Code § 1051.4 (b) by allowing an eligible limousine certificate holder to pay its Fiscal Year 2017 annual assessment in two equal installments. Attached here is the TLD's Order outlining