Bids & Solicitations Archive

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Bid No. 16-06 – Provide and Install Bird Control Netting at PHL

This bid is being issued by the Philadelphia Parking Authority (the “Authority”).  The Authority is soliciting written bids from qualified general contractors to furnish all necessary equipment, materials and labor to install anti bird netting to the underside of the toll plaza canopy at the Philadelphia International Airport. Bidders will need to register by emailing Mary

RFP No. 15-26 – Electricity Supply Purchase

This request for proposals is being issued by the Philadelphia Parking Authority (the “Authority”).  The Authority is soliciting written proposals from qualified energy suppliers for the procurement of its aggregate electricity supply for approximately forty locations in the City of Philadelphia. Prospective Proposers will need to register by emailing Mary Wheeler, Manager of Contract Administration, at

Bid No. 15-20 – Replace Lights at Three Garages – Single Prime Electrical Contractor

This Bid is being issued by the Philadelphia Parking Authority (the “Authority”).  The Authority intends to contract with a single prime electrical contractor to provide all necessary equipment and labor to replace the lights in three center city garages with efficient LED fixtures. Bid documents will be available after 3:00 PM, Wednesday, December

RFP No. 15-24 Professional Actuarial Services – Self-Funded Health Insurance

This RFP is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting proposals for professional actuarial services for their self-funded health insurance plan.  Prospective Proposers will need to register by emailing Mary Wheeler, Manager of Contract Administration, at [email protected] prior to downloading the attached documents in order to participate in this solicitation.  Detailed information

RFP No. 15-25 Powder Coating of Single Head Parking Meters

RFP is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”). The Authority is soliciting proposals for the powder coating of single head parking meters.  Prospective Proposers will need to register by emailing Mary Wheeler, Manager of Contract Administration, at [email protected] prior to downloading the attached documents in order to participate in this solicitation.  Detailed information on how