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RFI No. 16-36 Single Space Electronic Parking Meters

This request for information is being issued by the Philadelphia Parking Authority (the “Authority”).  The Authority is soliciting written responses from qualified companies regarding products, service and technology relating to electronic single space parking meters. Interested vendors will need to register by emailing Mary Wheeler, Manager of Contract Administration, at [email protected]  prior to downloading the attached RFI documents

Bid No. 16-32 Proposed Parking Lots at Ben Franklin Bridge and Third Street – Two Primes – General and Electrical Contractors

This opportunity is being issued by the Parking Authority (the “Authority”), a body corporate and politic created under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of June 19, 2001, P.L. 287, No. 22, as amended, known as the “Parking Authority Law”. The Authority intends to engage two prime

RFQ No. 16-31 Human Resources Consulting Services

This request for qualifications is being issued by the Philadelphia Parking Authority (the “Authority”).  The Authority is soliciting written responses from qualified human resources consulting firms to review and make recommendations on current Human Resources management policies, procedures and processes. Interested firms will need to register by emailing Mary Wheeler, Manager of Contract Administration, at [email protected]  prior