The Philadelphia Parking Authority has several ongoing initiatives that are designed to help us better serve Philadelphia’s residents and business owners. From community outreach initiatives, to making your payment options more convenient, we are working hard to meet your needs.
Vision 2022
Vision 2022 represents a comprehensive strategic plan for the Philadelphia Parking Authority (the Authority) through the fiscal year 2022, which ends March 31, 2022. Developing a three-year strategic plan for an organization which has broad and diverse responsibilities is complex. The common thread among the business units is that the Authority is a major transportation partner with significant responsibility for curb management, providing access to public parking and providing safety enforcement for rail, bus, motorists, passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists and all new forms of multi-modal transportation such as car share and bicycle share. Read more below:
Continue Regular Meetings with Neighborhood Commercial and Residential Groups
This is an ongoing process in which our area analysts regularly meet community and business groups to anticipate and resolve parking problems. We appreciate having an opportunity to discuss and alleviate your concerns before they become major issues.
Unveil New Parking Meter Mechanisms that will Accept a Variety of Coins and Other Payment Options
All of our 14,500 mechanical parking meters have been replaced with electronic devices. The new meters include features such as digital time display and rush hour clearance warnings.
Continue to Expand Payment Options
Two years ago we began accepting credit card payments over the telephone. We now have expanded a payment options to include web based credit card payments and checking deductions over the telephone. We are currently exploring the installation of payment kiosks in certain locations to cut down on lines at the Parking Violations Branch and increase customer convenience. We will also be implementing automatic credit card and checking account deductions for individuals enrolled in payment plans.