Event Request Form

HomeEvent Request Form


Event Request Form

The Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Department of Public Engagement is proud to provide informational expo sessions to inform, educate and assist all of Philadelphia’s communities. During these informational expo sessions, PPA staff  from multiple departments provide hands-on assistance to residents regarding various topics including:
  • Residential Parking Permits
  • Avoiding a Parking Ticket
  • Red Light Camera Violations
  • Payment Plans for Parking Tickets
  • Parking for those with Disabilities
  • Outstanding Parking Ticket Status
  • Unclaimed Vehicle Auctions
  • Contractor Parking Placards
  • Loading Zones, Passenger Loading Zones, and Valet Zones
Please complete as much of the below form as possible. Additionally, please note that completing this form does not guarantee the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s participation or attendance at your event. 

    Name of Organization

    Mailing Address of Organization

    Date of Event:

    Please provide at least 3 weeks notice

    Address of Event

    Time of Event (Start and End Times):

    Estimated Attendance

    Contact Information:

    Your Name:

    Your Email (required)

    Confirm Your Email (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Will the press/media be attending? (required)


    Please thoroughly describe the topics you wish to
    discuss in the comment box provided below.
    Our most common discussion topics have included:

    Parking Permits
    Parking Enforcement
    Avoiding a Parking Ticket
    Red Light Camera Violations
    Speed Camera Violations
    Payment Plans for Parking Tickets
    Parking for those with Disabilities
    Outstanding Parking Ticket Status
    Unclaimed Vehicle Auctions
    Employment Opportunities

    NOTE: The Philadelphia Parking Authority cannot conduct parking ticket dispute hearings, or accept parking ticket payments at informational community meetings.