Ride Comments, Complaints & Lost Items

HomeRide Comments, Complaints & Lost Items


Ride Comments, Complaints & Lost Item Form

The Philadelphia Parking Authority’s mission is to help ensure safe and reliable for-hire transportation within the City of Philadelphia and ensure a continuous flow of traffic in our commercial districts. As the regulatory authority for taxicab, limousine, and transportation network company (TNC) services provided in the City, we urge riders to contact us in case of a bad ride experience or for assistance locating a lost item. Please provide as much information as possible in the form below, and our TLD Enforcement Department will investigate the matter.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Confirm Your Email (required)

    NOTE: Please ensure both email fields are identical. This includes letter casing.

    Last 4 Digits of Credit Card Number (if used to pay fare)

    Phone Number

    Please Select Inquiry Type

    Vehicle number or license plate number (located on back of vehicle)

    Approximate Time of Trip

    Date of Trip

    Pick-Up Location

    Drop-Off Location

    Please provide a description of the lost item or details on your ride experience.

    Please provide any additional documentation pertaining to your inquiry. If your complaint is in regard to an Uber or Lyft issue, please include a screenshot of your trip receipt, which is available in the trip history section of the Uber and Lyft applications.